Tales of Another Girl

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This is indeed my first time writing on here so please cool your hatertots alright?

A lot of my writing is based off of homestuck , including this story. A lot of the homestuck based stories will not be accurate to the real homestuck storyline, but hey, I try.

There will definitely be sexual content in almost all of my writing here on Wattpad. So, if you don't like, don't read.

I will warn readers at the beginning of chapters for any "lemons" that will be present in any chapter. This does not include kissing/ making out.

Lastly, thanks for reading cx

Chapter 1:

More of a get to know me chapter

My name is Zulean Arisde, I live a pretty normal life here on Alternia. Well as normal as being a mutant blood can be at the legendary Alternia high. My average day consists of hiding in my tree till all the other trolls( higher bloods) are in school and the bell has rung before I myself go into the school. Then classes and dodging getting pushed down the stairs or slammed into a bathroom sink headfirst. Needless to say my blood type is frowned upon among the high bloods at my school. All except one, Gamzee Makara. Ironically enough he is the Grand High Blood's only descendant. The most powerful being in our school, and he is my best friend.

Our relationship is actually pretty crazy, we don't see each other unless I end up sneaking across town to his apartment or walk right up to his door half-beaten to death at 3 in the morning. But back to my daily life, again I go to school and then unlike everyone else I walk out the backdoors and through the woods. Then I go where ever, usually just walking around the city of Calpator or anywhere else my feet take me. I guess you could say, I walk around a lot.

Sometimes, like tonight, I end up walking around the forests and unfortunately get jumped by some other trolls from A.H.. So, that is where my story begins now.



I walk through the forest, its say around ten at night. I've been wandering around for a while, oh hell who am I kidding I've been studying the trees and everything in the forest that I move around in. It is soothing to walk around at night in the trees, especially when there is a light fog around my ankles. It's just the right touch to make the surroundings that much more mysterious. I brush my fingertips against the trees surrounding me, the wood is damp from the earlier rain this afternoon. I'm pulled away from my thoughts when I hear voices, five to six of them coming closer behind me.

I turn towards the sound as the group steps into view, the first to notice is at the head of the group and stops, stopping the others behind him. He stares for a moment, the two girls and two boys behind him whisper and snicker at me, pointing at me, mocking me. The first speaks, "Well well well, it looks like we do have enough girls boy, thanks to the new edition." He licks his lips and the others behind him begin to laugh. The tallest boy of the three breaks from his laughter for a second, "Her? No way! That's Zulean Arisde, that bitch ain't got nothing, but then again, I wonder if she's hiding somthin' under that white jacket she always wears." His eyes rake up and down my body and I have to force myself not to run up and gouge his eyes out, then feed them to his friends that are now doing the same. "Well, why don't we have a look boys?" The short haired girl in the half-shirt interrupts my thoughts. I look up as the group comes closer, boys first, ladies last.

"Don't you boyzz have a courtiouzz bone in your putrid bodiezz? Ladiezz firzt." I speak, and the boys stop, the girls stopping with them right in front of me. "Oh jee I guezzzz I didn't realize, you all must be girlzzz.. Fucking panziezzz" I turned away from them and began walking away, the first put his hand on my shoulder pulling back. I quickly grasped his forearm and yanked him hard over me, him landing on his back at my feet. One of the girls yelped before the other two boys gripped me by the shoulders, pulling me back hard, I feel and landed on my back with a growl escaping my lips before the kicking began. Hard hits to my stomach, ribs, everything as the girls chanted before one finally yelled enough and the boys stepped away. The girl who I assumed made them stop stepped forward, she wore bright blue seven inch heels. She knelt before me and peeled away the front of my jacket, nothing surprising really, boobs, thin waist, collarbones, the normal anatomical structure. She lifted my shirt exposing my stomach before leaning to my ear and whispering, "This will help you remember what you are." I was puzzled for only a second before I felt a knife puncture my skin on my tummy. After that there was a sharp pain to my leg, specifically my outer left thigh before a boot met my temple and I was out cold.

When I come to I am walking in the middle of the street, my destination quite obvious when I realize which street I am walking down, Gamzee's street. I sigh and continue limping down the street till finally turning onto the sidewalk leading up to the tall building that Gamzee's apartment resides in. Unfortunately his apartment is on the top floor, damn fear of heights. I stumble through the door, I won't be conscious much longer due to blood loss, guess I will have to deal with the damn elevator. It's only one ride, up thirty flights, oh boy I am going to die. Why elevators? I mouth to the ceiling before practically punching the elevator's "up" button---. When the elevator doors open I hesitantly step in. Well, limp in and even that is an understatement.

After five minutes of hell the elevator finally stops and the doors open with a ding to the thirtieth floor. Straight ahead is a door, the only door on this level. I stumble out of the elevator from hell and fall forward against the door from tripping over air. My head hits the door hard and I wince from the pain before lifting my hand and knocking twice. "Gamzz let me in, itzzz me.." I speak hoarsely, I hear shuffling from behind the door as I stumble to my feet. When the door swings open I stumble backwards against the tall troll's broad chest. When I look up his usual smile is covered by a frown, "Turn that frown... upzide... down.. Makara... " I stutter before my eyes flutter closed and I pass out.

// So let me know how my first story is going guys! Thanks for reading cx I do appreciate your requests and criticism, just be nice please!! cx

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