Chapter 7: Annihilator

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---Previously on Miraculous: A Love Tale (Adrienette)

She laid down and stared at the ceiling. "Adrien?"

"Hmm?" Marinette looked at the crib that their child was safely sleeping in.

"I think Emma will have your personality. I like it."

"Heh heh," Adrien laughed nervously. "You think so?" Marinette nodded. Adrien cuddled her and Marinette smiled.

"CUDDLES!" Marinette said. She giggled and Adrien rolled his eyes playfully.

"Come here." He pulled Marinette closer to him and they cuddled.

" He pulled Marinette closer to him and they cuddled

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Marinette smiled and soon fell asleep on his shoulder. Adrien looked at her.

"I'm sorry my princess," he whispered. "For causing heartbreak." He kissed her forehead and went to sleep. 

Adrien was sent all of his stuff from the mansion after Marinette requested that they give it to him and they were now happy because they had graduated.

"Graduation feels so much fun!" she said. Marinette was packing stuff because she and Adrien had found the perfect house for them! She plopped down on her old bed while their two-year-old little girl peeked her head over the box.

"Momma!" she called. Adrien was sneaking behind her and he picked her up and tickled her. "Stop!" She couldn't speak perfectly yet, but she was learning. Emma giggled while Marinette went downstairs.

"Are you sure you're okay without me?" Marinette asked. "I mean, Emma loves the bakery and who's going to do deliveries for you when I'm gone?"

"Don't worry Mari," Adrien said, coming down with Emma on his hip. "I put an ad in the newspapers and magazines and they found some help! I interviewed him and he's the perfect person for the job!" Marinette smiled as Adrien gave Emma to her and started loading the boxes in the car. 

---A Week Later---

Marinette stretched out on her and Adrien's new bed as Adrien, her fiance, laid beside her and nuzzled her. 

"Hello beautiful," he said. Marinette snuggled in close to him as they were surprised by a small blue-haired girl hopping on their bed and landing on Adrien. 

"Uh," Adrien said as Emma hopped on the back of his chest. He spoke in a hoarse voice. "Ow." 

"Hee hee," Emma giggled. Marinette just smiled and got on top of Adrien's back as well. 

"Doh!" he said as Marinette added her weight. "Marinette!" His voice was hoarse as Emma was sitting on his chest. Marinette started giggling along with her daughter. Adrien just had this face of relief while air escaped his mouth. Marinette giggled, picked up Emma and set her down on the floor as she wobbled back to her room to play with her toys. Adrien looked at Marinette. He kissed her and ended up getting her off of him. He took in a big gasp of air. 

"I CAN BREATHE NOW! FINALLY!" he shouted. Marinette nuzzled his cheek. He smiled as they heard Emma start crying. Adrien shot up like a bullet and went running to her room. He found his daughter crying and saw a broken toy in front of her. 

"Huh?" Adrien said. He noticed something flying in front of the window. He saw the lady smirk as she used magic to break the teddy bear Adrien had gotten Emma when she was born. The lady opened the window. 

"Hello Adrien," she said. "I am Annihilator. Have you seen Ladybug or Cat Noir?" 

"No," he said. "I haven't." Annihilator left. Adrien recognized her as an Akuma. He picked up his crying daughter as she held the broken toy and teddy bear. 

"Sh-She w-wuined T-Teddy," she said. Adrien rubbed her back. Marinette looked at him. 

"I think we need to transform if there's an Akuma," she said. Emma was sniffling now as Adrien put her down as she had fallen asleep. 

"I know," he whispered. He ran to their bedroom, grabbing Marinette's hand, and they both transformed. They exited their window, but Cat Noir looked back at their house. He whimpered. 

"What is it?" Ladybug said, turning around. 

"It doesn't feel good leaving Emma alone in the house," he said. Ladybug turned him around. 

"Don't worry. She'll be fine." Cat Noir blinked in trust and they continued to search for Annihilator. They heard screams coming as Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee caught up with them. 

"So," Rena Rouge said. "What took ya so long?" 

"We had to wait till Emma fell asleep...." All of Paris knew who Cat Noir was, but, they hadn't found out anybody else except Queen Bee. So, of course, Queen Bee knew, and they were kinda upset when Queen Bee revealed herself to be Chloe after she stole the Miraculous. 

"Oh," Carapace said. "Well. We have be--" He was interrupted by screams coming from two blocks away. The group of five quickly went towards the screams. They saw the Annihilator and places destroyed everywhere. 

"What are we gonna do?" Queen Bee asked. Ladybug thought for a second. Cat Noir and the rest of them stared at her intently. She turned back around and told them her plan. 


They went up to Annihilator and three of them distracted her. Rena Rouge used her illusion powers, Carapace was throwing his shield multiple times, and Queen Bee used her stinger. 

"Ready, kitty?" Ladybug asked Cat Noir. They were sitting on top of a ceiling because they were trying to locate the Akuma. Ladybug noticed Carapace's shield get to close to this one part as Annihilator protected it. 

"There!" Cat Noir said. 

"That's right," Ladybug replied. "But, how will we get to it?"

"Use your lucy charm, milady." 

"Okay," Ladybug said. "LUCKY CHARM!" 

"A rope?" 

"What do we need a rope for?" Cat Noir asked. Ladybug looked around, using her sensor. 

"I got it!" 

---After the Fight---

Adrien was checking on Emma while Marinette was in the bathroom. 

"Adrien!" she called. She heard footsteps approaching the door. 

"Yes, my love?" Adrien said. 

"I have some good news!"

"What is this good news?!" 

"I'm pregnant!" 

"Oh. Again?!" 


"Oh God."


Here it is! Sorry for posting it so late! And sorry I haven't posted in a while. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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