3 - Park

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America's POV

     As I walk behind Russia, I start to notice his clothing choice. He was wearing a light grey sweater, dark blue pants, boots that were blue and white, and his usual ushanka. But something was off. I don't think I've seen him wear a long sleeve shirt since middle school.
     "Uh, hey, What's with the sweater?" Damn, my question sounded awkward and super fucking weird.
     "Why do you want to know?" He asked without looking behind him, but I could hear a little worry in his voice. Was he shining something?
     "It's just, I haven't seen you wear anything long sleeved since middle school. So it just seemed weird." I swear I'm not trying to pry into your life.
     "Why do you wear those bandages on your arms, even though you aren't hurt?" This time he turned around and looked at me, but continued to walk. That question shocked me, most people just think I wear it too look 'edgy' or 'badass'. "And don't like to me," another shock, but he slows down even more. We're at our destination. He stops, and turns around to completely face me. "Cause I know damn well you lie to everyone else."
     "How can you tell that?" is been so careful with how I told people, how could he possibly-?
     "You put your shades down when you tell people so they can't see your eyes." A triple shock? Damn, was He trying to make me throw up?
     "Oh..." It had slipped my mind that I tended to also fake dramatic-ness to make it seem less weird.
     I looked around the park, seeing that it was just the two of us here. An unlikely pair, me and Russia. I look back up to him and lock our eyes.
     "Can you keep a secret?" I try to plead with my eyes so he knows it's serious. He seems to recognize that and nods.
     "Да, I can." He lowered his voice to a softer tone, but still just as deep. I grabbed his arm and started walking towards a pavilion that was a bit more far off than the others. I walked him behind it, took off my backpack and sat down, he followed suit.
     I tenderly peeled back the bandages on one of my arms, revealing scars and open wounds. I looked up to see his reaction. He had a mixture of shock, concern, and dumbfoundedness on his face.
     "Америка..." His voice was soft as he gingerly grabbed my arm to examine the scars closer. The concern on his face was growing, I wonder if this is gonna scare him off.

Russia's POV

     Why? What reason does he have for doing this? Is there something wrong at home? Is someone bothering him? I run my thumb over some of the newer scars and he shivered a little.
     "Ой! Извини, did that hurt?"
     He shook his head, "No, no it's fine. It just, felt weird, but not a bad weird, just, like it... umm... I'm sorry... I'm just suuuuuper nervous right now." He gave a half-hearted laugh that made my chest tighten.
     With my voice serious and a stern look on my face I decided now was the best time to ask, "Америка, why do you do this?"
     His laughing stopped and we made eye contact. He looked like he was about to say something, but tears started peeking out of the corners of his eye. He looked down and away from me, while trying to pull his arm away as well. I was not about to let him go. I made my grip tighter on his arm and pulled him closer and taking my other hand I forced him to face me.
     His face was tinted red and tears were streaming down his face. "I-I'm so-so-sorry y-*hic* you to s-see me like this." He shut his eyes pushing his face into my hand and crying even more.
     "Don't apologize." I simply say, pulling him even closer to me and wrapping my arms around him. He hesitates for a second but eventually hugs me back, sobbing even harder into my chest. I start rubbing his back cooing and reassuring him. He was saying "I'm sorry." over and over again.

~time skip about 3 minutes~

     Америка was fast asleep in my arms, his face tear stained. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 12:44. We had only been out here for about 21 minutes, including the walk. School doesn't end until 2:53, and who knows when Америка is going to wake up. I don't even know where he lives. I settle on just taking him to my own house. I gently rewrap his arm and move his head from my lap. Getting up I stretch out my legs and back and grab our bags, one on each shoulder. I squat down to pick him up bridal style and start walking towards my house.
     It wasn't so bad for the first half of the walk, but then I started struggling with carrying him. I saw my house not too far away and it dawned on me. How was I supposed to get in? I then noticed my father's car was in the driveway. Дерьмо. He's going to kill me. But I couldn't just abandon Америка, so I had to risk it. I walked up to my house and there was my father, the USSR. He was a tall man, but I was nearly just as tall standing at a solid six feet.
     "Are you going to explain to me why you're carting a capitalist?" His voice stern, but it didn't seem to have any anger in it.
     "Well, I uh.. can't give you all the details, but he fell asleep on me at the park." He deifnetly wasn't going to take that as an answer.
     "Fine. Just make sure he gets home before UK or France call me." He walked away and I was left there, shocked. What was up with him today? I decided not to push it and just continued carrying Америка to my room. (Not to do that ya nasties)

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