Okay before you think you start thinking
NO! I am no disconnecting this book. I really like the idea of it.
But, I need to hurry up with getting Paul in here so If you guys want. I will start with part 2.
I know not many people are reading the book but please let me know if you would like for Paul and Alex to meetCause we all know the story of how,
Jacob likes Bella,
Bella like Edward.
Bella gets frustrated with Edwards moods swings.
Bella goes play baseball with the Cullens.
Nomads come.
James starts to stalk Bella.
Bella gets phone call from fake mom voice but she doesn't know it's a fake moms voice.
James bites Bella.
Edward saved Bella's life but also almost kills her.
James is dead.
Then Bella and Edward go to prom. Have a grand o' time and Victoria watches from the shadows.Okay :) fun little recap.

Unlikely imprint
FanfictionWhat happens when Bella swan and her brother Alexander swan, came to live with their dad, Charlie. Bella meets Edward, like we already know their love story. But this story is between a hotheaded player. Paul Lahote And Bella swans older brother A...