Chapter five

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Part two - chapter five

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Part two - chapter five.

It had been a couple weeks now, since the movies, apparently Bella ended up going to jakes to fix some bikes, taking jake away from me, since her loooves Bella.
I started hanging out with embry and Quil more though.
Embry, finally grew a pair and ask me out but when we hung out Quil was still with us. But I didn't mind.

Today we was actually going to the beach. Walking down it, embry said he didn't feel good and ran off.
"That was weird,"I said watching as he ran off.
"Yeah, he's been acting a little strange been here recently. We haven't really hung out a lot, usually just when you are around is all we hang out." I looked at Quil sad. The two had been best friends since diapers.
"Oh im sorry. But hey, you call me anytime and I will hang out with you." I said smiling at him. He nodded smiling back.

Me and Quil started to hang out more, embry had left completely, apparently to hang out with Sam and his cult.
And apparently according to bella Jake was now doing the same thing.

Bella, has became that empty shell again, seeing as Jake had also now left her.
She was starting to get mad. Calling him wasn't working so she dragged me out to Billy's to see him. He told her that she needs to leave and it was to protect her.
I just rolled my eyes, he had cut his hair and had gotten a lot of muscles now with a tattoo. I must say he did get hot though.

He blamed some bloodsuckers, I have no idea what he was talking about. But her left when Sam and his cult called from the woods.

The second time bella, dragged me to Billy's she knocked on the door, billy opened it.
"Bella, Alex."
"We need to see him." Bella replied.
"Hey don't drag me into this, I don't care what he does with his life. She needs to see him." I said.
"He's not in." Billy said.
"Okay, I'm sorry I really need to see him." Bella said pushing through the door past billy. I tried to grab her arm but she was to fast.
"Bella!" Me and billy called at the same time, as she walked down to jakes room.
"I'm really sorry billy. She's going through some thing." I told him.
"It's fine. I know, I had two girls." He said laughing.
"Yeah." I said smiling at him. Remember all the time I came and hung out with them and Jake when I was younger.

Bella then ran out of the house.
"Great well, I guess I'm following her so she don't do anything reckless. I'm sorry again billy." I said, he nodded then walked out the door.
I stopped at the side of the house, watching as Bella walked over to Sams cult. I could barely hear her scream at them, until she smacked one of them.
I frowned. Great.
As I started walking down, when one jumped and turned into a big wolf. I froze as Bella came running.
But I was froze there. Jake ran out of the house running towards Bella, bella telling him to run. But he jumps over her and turns into a wolf mid air.
He and the other wolf or person started to fight, the fight began to lead into the woods.

"Hey, take bella and Alex back to Emily's place." I walked to my car, waiting for them... giving me a second to wrap my head around what just happened.

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