Chapter 2- The beginning

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Where we left off:
"Finally!" She stopped,clutching her rap sack while panting. Her surroundings were not familiar to her. It was a dark alley with crooked houses and flickering lightbulbs. The grass on the houses front lawns had also grown wild with unkemptness. Vera took all of her surroundings in. Suddenly, a flick of a tail caught her attention. "What the....?"she wondered out loud as she followed that tail. It led her to a house, the most forlorn looking one . She saw the flick of the tail again, this time coming from the house. She stood there briefly , the made up her mind and went inside, stepping across the dead grass as she went. When she reached the front door, the tail was nowhere to be seen. It was as if it had disappeared as though it wasn't ever there. Whatever,let's just walk around for a bit, her brain told her. She began exploring the house. There was nothing really interesting, just some rotting chairs now and then , and if she was lucky, a piece of antique furniture. It was all the same, except——for a light was coming out of one of the rooms. Her consciousness told her, get out of there now!! Go home , make up with your mom and eat ice-cream on the couch!! Go Back!!!!!! But, in the end, her stubbornness and curiosity got the better of her.She grabbed a piece of jagged glass walked cautiously towards the mysterious room, making each step she took with great quietness. A person was sitting on the armchair , a lamp next to him. No... or rather a thing. There was just something ......inhuman about its features ...the way it was staring at her...or how the grip on the armchair looked really tight...It's  eyes looked straight at Vera , daring her to ask anything. But still, it made the first move. "Hi,Vera. I'm afraid you are in my domain. I believe I must ask you to leave, but I never turn down a nice meal. " How do you know my n-"
Before she could finish her question, the creature zgripped her arm. Blood went pouring out from the wound , soaking her blue blouse in red.But she managed to dodged, excusing further wounds. After that , everything went black.

To be continued......

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