Chapter 9

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She's beautiful when she sleeps. That sounds creepy, but it's true. When she's sleeping, it's like her life is on pause and all the pain and worry in her face is gone, and she's not stressing about anything, she's just sleeping. She's peaceful, and peace isn't something we get in our line of work.

She starts to stir a bit under my hold and I realize she's waking up.

I lean down and kiss right behind her ear and on her neck. "Good morning beautiful."

She turns over and halfway lays on my chest. "You're sadistic." Her eyes are barely open and her raspy morning voice makes me chuckle.

"You love it, Caroline, I know you do." She shakes her head before laying down on my chest and closing her eyes again.

"We have shit to do today." She mumbles on my chest. I kiss her hair and pull the covers up to cover her bareback and my bare chest.

"We don't have to worry about that yet baby, it's still early." She looks up at me her hair a mess and her face still droopy from being tired.

"We do because there are not enough hours in the day for me to do everything I need to do today." She starts trying to get up but I trap her with my arms around her waist.

"You need to stop my love. I get that you're stressed and yesterday didn't help but you need to take a minute and slow down, just relax. It is barely 5 am and we got back at 2 last night, I tired you out by 3 am. Caroline that's nowhere near enough sleep," She breaths and settles down in my arms again. "just come and sleep a few more hours, they can wait."

She nods and lays her head back on my chest before dosing off again, and soon I'm following her lead.


The previous evening

Jason. He's still alive. That can't be. He died.

"Bruce, he...he died. You and I both saw his dead body. He should be dead!" Bruce and Alfred exchanged looks and looked back at me.

"We have eyes Master Richard, it appears Master Jason is not as dead as we quite thought he was. Master Bruce, if you care to quit that brooding we can figure out how we are going to handle this."

Bruce turned to look at me and narrowed his eyes. "Did she tell you anything else at the Watchtower? Anything at all?"

"No, she said she had intel. I told her it was not a team issue until it needed to be, and she could talk to me about it personally."

Bruce's eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed. His famous thinking face. Only the gods know what he could be thinking about.

"Well she certainly took it personally, so did Jason. I don't blame them either." He raked his fingers through his hair and walked over to the computer system in the middle of the cave. I followed behind him as Alfred made his way to the elevator, taking him away from the sub-levels of the gloomy cave and to the luxury of the mansion above.

"Bruce they're obviously mad and hurt. Or they would've come back sooner, Jason probably thinks we left him for dead with Joker and Caroline most likely feels betrayed. In a way I did betray her, I should've done more to help her, to object and fight for her place on the team." Bruce sat down in the probably way to expensive office chair and started tapping away at the computer system.

"Regardless of what they feel, Caroline brings to light a potentially fatal plot against heroes." He turns to me, the furrow in his brow still present. "I'm going to fact check her story through every database we have, all the way back to her birth."

I nodded as he turned back to the screens in front of him, Caroline's name, alias, and other various bits of information running around the screen.

"You need to establish contact with her, a formal means of contact, and lock hers and Jason's recognition in the Zeta Tube system until we fact check their story." He spoke while his eyes were now permanently glued to the screen. "We don't know if Caroline has an underlying agenda and we have no idea how Jason ties into this all, or how he's even alive."

Bruce and I had been so focused on our game plan we didn't hear Alfred come back down the elevator into the gloomy cave.

"Another long night of detective work Master Bruce?" Alfred rhetorically asked as he set down a piping hot cup of coffee and a small plate with different cheeses and crackers. "Black, one sugar and a cheese plate"

"Good to know Bruce's habits haven't changed since I left." I smiled at Alfred. "I'm sorry I was gone so long, I just needed time."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my raven black hair. "Seeing Bruce at the Watchtower was all I could handle after what happened." Bruce didn't acknowledge the conversation in any way but I knew he was listening. "I should've visited you before now Alfred."

I hugged Alfred before walking towards the Zeta Tube, a million thoughts running through my head about how I was going to track down Caroline.

"Dick." I stopped and turned to see Bruce had torn his eyes away from the screen and shifted in my direction, he was looking directly at me.


"I'm sorry. For everything."

I smiled when I saw the look in his eyes and the slight smirk creeping onto his face.

"Me too. Partners?"


(2020) :D

sorry! I'm trying I'm gonna start the next chapter in a bit!

(2021) revised and edited 2/4/21

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