Herobrine (The true Story Final part)

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A couple of weeks after I destroyed the Nether portal, I went on a journey around the known world to see if there was any town that wasn't destroyed. I climbed mountains, trudged through tundras and sailed across rivers and lakes but I found nothing but the lifeless ruins of cities that used to be so large and crowded with people. Eventually, after a couple of weeks, I went to where the only town I knew of that I hadn't visited was. I expected it to be nothing but rubble but I was wonderfully surprised and found that it wasn't. The town looked like it had been attacked many times but the walls still stood(barely though) and the town itself was mostly fine. I walked up to the main gate and I was about to enter when two guards stopped me. They asked me who I was, as they knew all of the town's citizens and I wasn't one of them. I told them that my name was Herobrine and that I was from Brine. One of the guards punched me in the face and shouted, "THIS IS NO JOKE, WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE ARE YOU REALLY FROM?!". I clutched my face for a few moments before answering, "I am the sole survivor of Brine that has been looking for a town that hasn't been destroyed yet. I seek asylum.". The other guard whispered to the one that shouted at me, "If he honestly thinks he's from Brine, maybe the mental asylum would be best for him. No one survived." before they both chuckled. I decided to play along and pretend to be insane, at least then I'd be let in. I said, "Shut up! The dragon killed me and I almost died! The dragon died but in the end, it just managed to survive. It's hunting me and my invisible friend here! Please let us in, we need a place to stay...". They laughed at how crazy they thought I was and then they finally let me in. Some other guard took me to the mental asylum but when we were out of sight of everyone, I started attacking him and quickly knocked him out before he could call for help. Then I ran away from the scene and to the town square. I asked some of the locals if there was any place I could get a job. They told me that the mine had a free spot and that they supplied the pickaxes themselves. They didn't tell me how much they got paid but that didn't really matter considering it was the ONLY place in the entire town where I could get a job. I went there, I got the job easily(since there was hardly any unemployed people in the town) and began mining. My and my co-workers were finding tons of ores and everything was going fine, until about an hour before the work day was over. Me and three others went down into the deepest part of the mine, down by the lava(where all the diamonds were). One of them happened to be the best and most trusted miner here. That trust was misplaced, and I'll tell you why. When we were near the edge of the first lava pool, trying to get the diamonds and not fall into the lava at the same time, the most trusted miner(who will be called Miner A from now on)pushed the two others we were with into the lava. He tried to push me in but I managed to keep my balance and I then went away from the edge. In retaliation, I knocked him over the head with my pickaxe, killing him. I went out later and I didn't realise how it would look to the guards, the other miners and my boss. You see, after killing Miner A I headed back up the mine. While I was still getting out, someone discovered the dead body of Miner A and they saw the two other miners' pickaxes lying on the floor with no owner and they assumed that I had killed Miner A and that I had thrown the others into the lava. That miner told the boss. I told the boss what really happened but he didn't believe that his most trusted miner would do such a thing. He told the guards and my sentence was death. I ran and I managed to hide from the guards for a while, enough time to think of a plan. I then put it into action. First I made a dummy of myself. Then I went into the alleyways and I knocked out an unsuspecting guard. I put on his uniform and I "found" the dummy. I went to the guard captain and told him that the dummy was Herobrine and the captain, being a rather dim person, believed me. I gave the dummy to the executioner, he hanged the dummy thinking it was me and then he threw it into lava to destroy the "body". I then went back to the alleys, put my normal clothes back on, and stealthily exited the town. On my way out, one person saw me for a split second, thought they saw a ghost and I later found out that they made some story that the ghost of me haunts the mines. Everyone blames mine accidents on me now. Anyway, after I left the town I ran out into the wilds and began living a lonely life there. So, that is my story Steve. I hope you believe it.

P.S: My eyes are actually grey, not white. There is nothing weird about my eye colour."

The book ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2012 ⏰

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