Chapter 1

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Its my first day of school here and my brother Drake who is the same grade as me, but even though we are always the popular ones doesn't mean it's easy at home. Lets put it this way, my mom died from painful experiments cause she has powers called temper reaction. The people who know about it call us witches, we are certainly not.

Any way the reason it's also not easy is because my dad abuses me, I guess the pain of looking to much like her, but I know it's because he's just became a mess without mom. Before he was just like a regular dad, now he abuses me every day. So at school is the only place where I can try and be happy, as long its not home.

It's my first day of school because we moved here back where my best childhood friend lives, Lucas. I have no idea why we moved, oh well my life has always been screwed up...

"Brook! We got to get ready," my brother Drake snapping me out've my daze, I went in front of the mirror making sure the door was locked and closed my eyes. I felt the spiral of what they call magic go around me

forming the outfit I want. I opened my eyes finding myself wear skinny jeans, a shirt that says 'this is what awesome looks like'. But my hair, it was slightly curled and my bangs neatly to the side, I went out my bedroom going down stairs.

"Lets go Drake," I said and he rolled his eyes as we headed out the door off to school. We went in the convert able and drove off, here we go.

We were in the school and this blond girl looking a bit perky walks up,"hey I'm Zoey. You can just call me Zoe for short, I'm guessing your the new kids?" I nodded," I'm Brook and this is my brother Drake." I explained and he winked at her making her blush a little, wow I forgot to mention my brother he was a player.

She started to point in different directions," those are the geeks, jocks, mean girls. We use other words, but there not appropriate. Also over there is Brandon...." She explained and he had brown hair blue eyes, cute I guess but nah...

He looked over meeting my eyes and I looked away," sorry I always had a crush on him, but he will never like me." She said disappointed and gave us each a slip, it had locker numbers on it. My brother smiled at her and she blushed again, okay I'm tired of seeing this. I walked off to my locker and there was a schedule taped on it and I got the books that were already in there along with a pencil.

"Hey look, someone who we could pick on." I heard a voice behind me, I turned seeing cheerleaders, of course." What are you looking at?" She said and everyone looked at me," I don't know what am I looking at?" I said and she giggled," are you seriously trying to bad mouth me?" I shrugged," well ms. Big mouth just remember this is my school," she scowled," lets see about that." I scoffed and she smiled trying to hit me, but I stopped her before she could.

"You should re think that nose job," I said and punched her in the nose. Every one gasped," this is my school now." I said and she had a bloody nose, I walked pass everyone seeing most people in awe and I smiled. Mission complete.

My brother and I were standing in class on opposite sides of the teacher,"this is Drake. Brooks sister and please treat them with respect as if you should with each other." I saw Brandon with a open seat next to him, nope not sitting there. I scanned around seeing Zoe has a open spot, I glanced at my brother while the teacher was still talking about kindness.

My brothers eyes were locked on this girl who has black hair with a red streak. He winked at her, is that a reflex for every time he sees a pretty girl? Like in my opinion it's stupid...

Zoe saw," back off Dawn!" She said and everyone was holding in their laughter," shut up Zoey." She said," no I will not shut up, he liked me first." She whined and she sighed not really looking like she paying attention," okay lets see how that goes." Everyone laughed and the teacher tried to get them to be quiet, it wasn't even that funny.

Time to use some magic, I used my powers to make them stop by demanding,"knock it off!" They did of course and we had to take or seats while the teacher was looking at me in awe, no! Drake took the seat next to Zoe and now I have to sit by Brandon. Ugh.

I sat down and he looked at me, he handed a note as the teacher wrote on the board talking away. I opened it.

Wanna go out?

Wow, I wrote down no and handed it to him with a small smile. He looked at it and frowned, I would but if I get mad over a break up I can cause damage or even hurt someone. They don't call it temper reaction for nothing.

"Why?" He whispered and I sighed," I just don't..." I whispered back, he looked at me." Is there something wrong with me?" He asked and I nodded," one of you guys tell me what I want you to do?" The teacher said to both of us and I tried to read his mind," you said that we should read the book Romeo and Juliet and present why it can not happen in real life." He nodded and continued talking while some people murmured.

"How did you know?" Brandon whispered," I'm good at listening to two things at once." He chuckled," you said to to." I rolled my eyes, this is gonna be a long class." Oh by the away my name is-" I cut him off," Brandon. I know, I heard some stuff about you." At that he got silent, finally...

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