Later That Day

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I was at my locker getting a book," Brook did you forget about me?" I turned closing my locker seeing Lucas, I hugged him giving a kiss on the cheek." It's been so long," he hugged me back with equal force." I know and we have a lot to catch up on," I smiled I didn't wanna let go. It's not that I like him like him, just that I missed him. A lot. I finally let go smiling and he was too, I messed up his light brown hair with my hand and he fixed it." What was that for?" He said and I giggled," I don't know." Is all I said and I saw Brandon and two of his friends walking up to us," here comes trouble..." Lucas muttered and walked off.

"Are you guys going out?" Brandon said and I rolled my eyes," no, why should you care?" I said annoyed and he smiled at me leaning on the locker looking at me. Player.

"Well your gorgeous, plus it makes me jealous seeing you flirt with other guys." I shook my head," your a player Brandon and I'm not here to play your games falling in the trap. Lucas and I are not going out we are just close friends," I said turning away walking off to my next class.

"Well at least go to the party," he said and I ignored him. I continued walking," unless she is just to chicken." I heard a guy say, probably one of his friends. I turned walking towards the guy," who said I was afraid of having a little fun at a simple party?" He smiled," I did." I gritted my teeth," better watch your mouth," he gave me the are you kidding look and I kicked him in the you know." Yeah, that just happened." I walked off to my class smiling evilly, jackass.

I was sitting down and Brandon walked in sitting by me," what do you want?" I said quietly," give me a chance will you?" I shook my head," why?" I sighed," cause your just a player." He fell silent and the teacher was babbling about stuff, oh the usual.

I was at home and my father pointed towards the wall I knew what this was, the abuse of the day. I went over and bent don a little, he grabbed a worn out stick." It's called discipline Brook," he swung it making me scream in pain. I was on the ground crying, sure I could've used my powers, but I don't wanna take advantage of it or what ever.

He walked off satisfied and my brother helped me up, I went to my room. I have no choice, I got to go to the party, I got to get away from here.

I went down stairs," lets go." I said and my brother got up, aka Drake." What we doing?" He said," getting away from here. Lets go by Lucas's," I said and we hopped in the car. Maybe I should go to the party, yeah I will so I can et this off my mind.

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