Waking up in hell

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My head was pounding as though my brain was fighting it's way out of my skull. Even just breathing caused white hot agony to shoot through my head. I had a concussion, that much I knew. Falling out of a tree when I was small had given me the only concussion I had ever had...until now. This one was much worse. I couldn't tell if I was up, down, sideways, or upside down. My thoughts were slow and broken, coming to me in fragments. I felt as though I were moving although I knew I wasn't, it made me dizzy and sick.

"How hard did you hit her? She's still out!" As the sound of a voice hit my ears I jumped, my memories hitting me with the force of a missile. I fought to open my eyes but there was only darkness...the blindfold. I jerked up, unsurprised to find myself attached to a chair. The creak of old hinges alerted me to the fact my captors were actually coming in.

Should I pretend to still be unconscious? What if they touch me? Turns out I didn't have a choice they came in before I could slump back down in my chair. "She's awake idiot, obviously she's fine...I barely hit her." Another voice growled, but the last part was a mumble. What did they want me for? But at the sounds of talking my brain flashed a picture of the little boy. He did this, he tricked me! I just wanted to help him! I officially hate children. Suddenly I was pissed, furious even. Words spewed out before I could stop them. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine...if you call being kidnapped, blindfolded, knocked unconscious, given a concussion, and tied up fine. But, you know that's your problem, Asshole." Okay, maybe I was a bit too sarcastic but they did kidnap me. Oh shit....don't kill me! I need to keep my mouth shut if I want to stay alive.

"I liked it better unconscious." The same annoyed voice snapped back, I bristled.

"Did you just call me an it!" I yelled, loud enough to make even myself wince. I heard footsteps and shrunk back in fear. A hand roughly grabbed my chin, yanking my head to the side. I yelled in pain as I felt pressure on the bruise that was more than likely on my jaw.

"I can do worse than this if you keep this attitude!" I cringed back as I felt hot breath fan across my face. A shudder of fear ran down my spine.

"Are you happy?" I asked bitterly, scowling despite the blindfold.

"What?" Both voices asked simultaneously, surprise and shock filled the room. Good I caught them off guard. "You heard me, I asked if you were happy. I mean you just kidnapped some innocent girl and now you've instilled fear in her. Do you feel in control? Like you have power now?"

"Shut up!" The grip on my chin tightened and I knew I touched a nerve. "Get Rico to tell her everything and put her in the blue room, I want her sorted out now." He order, voice filled with rage. Despite my dangerous situation I wanted to keep going, to keep playing with fire. He was easily riled and if I kept at it he might slip up and spill where this was. Maybe I could escape. I heard the door slam just seconds after the grip on my chin was released.

"You shouldn't do that, you'll get yourself killed. No one fucks with him like that and escapes unscathed. Now come on, feisty girl." While the man was speaking he untied my blindfold. I gasped at who I saw. This man was not much older than me! Twenty-two at the oldest! My hands and ankles were soon untied and he grabbed hold of my hand to pull me up. The stranger had light brown hair that was skater like, with most of it falling into his eyes which were hazel. As I glanced at his hand wrapped so gently around my own I was shocked at the contrast, I was pale and the bronze tan of his skin made me look as though I were glowing.

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded, putting everything to memory as he led me out of the room and down a dingy hallway. The floor looked to be cement, which brought warehouses to my mind. Was I being held in a renovated warehouse?

"To Rico, he'll tell you everything you need to know. Curb your tongue and you'll last, got it?" He informed me roughly, I just gave him an unimpressed look.

"Wait, why did you guys kidnap me? Please, just tell me."

"You're here for ransom, if you can't tell this is a gang. So all thoughts of escape, get them out of your head. No one here is nice so don't try and appeal to our emotional sides we don't have emotions. Your job is to do what you're told when you're told without talking back." He answered, with a blank expression the whole time.

"So I'm a slave? I thought I was being held for ransom?!" I exclaimed, looking around for any kind of escape route. His grip on my hand tightened to painful, and my gaze shot back to him.

"Until we decide to ransom you, you'll do what you're told. Rico will tell you the same thing." And with that he dragged me into another room. The person standing in there terrified me...more so than the faceless man who hit me.

"Jared! There's the girl, you can go I've got this." Rico's voice was deep and held a slight accent. He was tan with black hair and mahogany eyes, his face was intense and his gaze pierced though me. Rico was intimidating, he was much taller than I was and I felt utterly helpless. He looked like a killer. I barely registered that Jared left the room, my brain was too lost to panic. As Rico took a step closer I backed up. With a sudden movement he lunged at me, I screamed and ran. Only to be tackled to the ground and pinned. A whimper of fear clawed out of me in between my labored breaths.

"I've never had a woman react to me that way before." He chuckled and looked down at me in amusement. I glared, this man only looked twenty but he scared me.

"Get off of me!" I hissed, trying to shove him off with my hands. He was all muscle and I was too small and weak to even make him budge.

"How cute, I might just keep you for myself." He grinned at my discomfort, monster. I fought back my fear and kept a scowl on my face.

"Blondes are more your type." A new voice observed calmly. Rico looked furious and he was off of me in a second. Before I could even see the new comer Rico had grabbed me off of the floor and slung me over his shoulder. "Stay away from this one, she's personally Sam's." Rico snapped before stomping out of the room, carrying me with him. He left me in a room with blue walls and pointed to a desk with a paper on it.

"There's everything you'll be expected to do, read it because you start tomorrow." He ground out, anger still pulsing as though it were alive. I was relieved when he left. Immediately I locked the door then proceeded to break down and cry. My mom would be worried sick, and if I was killed she would be devastated. I was a slave to some gang. But I'm a fighter, I'm going to escape. Nothing will stop me from getting back my freedom and taking this gang down.

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