Healing Hands

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It's been a month since the deal was made. My life has been ruled by routine completely, Sam wakes me up every morning, we eat breakfast, I spend two hours with Christian, Sam joins us for one hour, we eat lunch, I clean Sam's area of the house for an hour, I have an hour of supervised free roam, then I'm stuck in a room next to Sam's bedroom for three hours until Sam comes in and checks my injuries, then he usually leaves and I get a shower, and then I sleep. That's my life so far. But I know my wounds are practically healed now and I've never been so terrified. I think Sam can tell, he's been a lot nicer and we're almost friends. But I refuse to forget that he is my kidnapper, my abuser, my almost.... I can't even finish that sentence. My only hope is the Jared and Nathaniel are coming back soon.

They are my only chance of getting out of here without having to be Sam's play toy. It's almost time for Sam to come in and look at my ribs, the dog bite has long since healed and the mutt who bit me sleeps at the foot of my bed. He keeps Layla out but the dog doesn't leave me alone for more than five minutes. He even walks into the bathroom and waits until I've finished. But I've started calling him Jaz and he seems to like it. My ribs barely ache now and the bruising has left but the pain still stands as a reminder of what Sam is capable of. No matter how nice he acts now he is still dangerous.

I jolt alert at the sound of my door closing, Sam walks toward me with a smile on his face. "Hey kitten, whatcha thinking about?" He asks, before crawling onto my bed and sitting across from me. Jaz growls at him quietly.

"Oh, nothing I was just spacing out." I'm tempted to tell him I was thinking about home but with my injuries healed I was in more danger than ever. Jaz snaps at Sam's hand and Sam hits my dog on the nose.

"Ungrateful mutt, I raised him and here he is snapping at me over my woman." Sam grumbled, shooting Jaz a glare. I freeze up Sam has been slipping a lot, calling me his too often. It becoming clear the friend thing won't stick from much longer. "Come here babe, let me see your ribs." He says playfully, but I know if I don't do as he says it'll be worse for me. I scoot until I'm seated directly in front of him. Sam lifts up the edge of my tank top and my breathing halts. I feel his eyes trace my skin, searching for any outward sign of injury I might use. He finds none, carefully he lowers my shirt. I'm silent as his hands grab hold of my own in a friendly gesture, but Sam is not quite a friend.

"Does it still hurt?" He asks, watching my face intently in case I lie. I want to, I want to say it hurts like I'm being stabbed every time he looks at it but I know it's just mental. I want to say don't hurt me, that I don't want to be his toy. But I know it's useless, I made a deal and now I have to pay up. But I'm starting to like him, as a friend he's cool and fun. But I don't think I could ever like him enough to let him use me. So instead I say the truth, "It still aches and I can't move completely yet without throbbing pain, but it's getting better. Maybe we'll be able to play football in a few weeks?" I keep my voice completely platonic. I'm hoping he understands we're just almost friends.

"It's been a month, you know what happens in two days?" Sam snaps at me, I shake me head no. He's angry now, I have to be careful now. "Jared and Nathaniel come back! Is that what you're waiting for? You want them don't you? That's why you keep lying!" He rants, grabbing my throat in his hands.

"No, I'm not lying. Please stop, your hurting me. Sammy, we're friends don't mess this up. I knew them for a couple days okay, they helped me out once that's it. I don't want them, okay?" I explain, keeping my voice even and strong. I just hope he doesn't start squeezing. Control falls over Sam once again, but he is still furious. It's no longer jealousy and instantly I know I said something wrong. I friend zoned him.

"We were never friends, you've always known that I don't want to be your friend. We had a deal, unless you've forgotten? Your mine Aspen, no more excuses." Sam growled, releasing his grip on my neck and pushing me down on the bed. Tears pooled in my eyes a fear twisted my insides until I didn't know what was my heart and what was my stomach.

"Sammy, Sam stop. Please you're hurting me, I'm scared...Of you. Please let me go, you're ruining things. I was beginning to trust you and now your hurting me." I beg, pushing at his shoulders and fighting against him. My tears pour down my cheeks, soaking the comforter beneath my head. Sam doesn't let go, he just grips my hands and pushes them into the mattress above my head. I cry out, beg him to stop. Where is my fight? Why am I not stopping him? And then it hits me I can't. He's already broken me, and I didn't even realize. He kisses my neck roughly and I can feel my skin bruising under his assault. Someone knocks on the door and I cry out in relief, fixing my clothes.

"Yes?" I call out, my voice is weak and it wavers fearfully under Sam's intense stare.

"Aspen, I had a nightmare can I please sleep in hear with you and Jaz?" Christian asks, I look at Sam before I answer. He glares sourly but nods in agreement. He removes himself from my bed and instead crosses the room to sit on a chair in the corner. I open the door and Christian bounces into the room, he's already plopped on my bed by the time he notices Sam.

"Oh, I can go Sammy. Aspen didn't say you had already asked to stay because of your nightmare." Christian started to wiggle off the bed, ready to ask Layla since I was taken for the night.

"Oh no, Sam didn't have a nightmare, he was just clearing out all the monsters in the room for us. He's going now so it's okay, Christian." I quickly rushed to my bed, pretending I wasn't terrified of the man in this room. He gave me a "this isn't over" look but left anyway. "Hey, Christian I've been having really bad dreams lately. Will you stay with me and be a big strong boy so I have protection?"

Yes, I was using Sam's little brother to keep him out of my pants. But Christian was the only one who could get Sam away from me for a few days. The little boy was a hero and he didn't even know it. Within half an hour Christian was out and I was almost asleep. So of course Jaz had to start scratching at the door, having to use the bathroom. With a sigh I slid out from the warm bed and led the dog to the door. It was a warm night so I slid on some flip flops and stepped out. Jaz ran off to do his business, and I leaned against the closest tree for a few minutes.

A hand wrapped around my mouth and I screamed. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" A familiar voice rumbled in my ear, I felt the sharp prick of a knife on my exposed hip bone.

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