Mr. Muscles

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"It's Aspen you big idiot! Thanks for the adrenaline rush Nathaniel!" I snapped, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Nathaniel released me and spun me around to look at me clearly.

"Your still alive! Oh that's great news, are you hurt? Is Sam pleased with you?" Nathaniel sounded thoroughly surprised that I was alive, thanks for the vote of confidence. But how awkward was his last question? Very...

"Um, I'm fine physically and no Sam hasn't touched me. I made a deal that once I was healed I would willingly go to him, so long as he didn't force himself upon me or beat me senseless." I informed him, looking around for Jaz.

"Smart girl you are, Aspen. Are you all healed then?"

"No, not yet but Sam doesn't care anymore. He wants the pay up now, in fact he tried earlier." I shuddered at the memory, feeling the ghost of his touch on my waist. Wait, someone was actually touching me. Before I could jerk away I was yanked back against a huge chest. Air whooshed out of my lungs as though I'd hit a wall. I watched in horror as Nathaniel was stabbed by a blurred figure in dark clothing. I cried out, struggling to get to my friend.

"There there, I've got you now. Sam's bitch I'm assuming, you're the only girl to give him blue balls. I think I like you already." The voice was unfamiliar and dark, terror locked my limbs and I jerked around trying to get free. I screamed, putting everything I was feeling into that blood chilling cry. "Little bitch! Come on, we're leaving." I was chucked over his shoulder kicking and screaming. I even managed to scratch his face, much to his anger. This guy was huge, as in bigger than Nathaniel. He was all muscles, with strange tattoos along any visible skin. So far that was all I knew about my new kidnapper. Right as I was being dumped in the back of a big van I saw the front door burst open. Sam was pissed and he had a gun.

"Aspen is mine!" He yelled, before opening fire. I was quickly shoved into the back of the van and Mr. Muscles followed. The driver slammed on the gas and I smashed into the side of the van, Mr. Muscles landing on top of me. What eighteen year-old has to deal with this? Not getting kidnapped once, but twice! And now my second kidnapper had his face practically down my top.

"Take me to dinner first, pig!" I snapped, shoving him off of me. And then I saw his face, que ovaries exploding. If gods and goddesses existed he would definitely be a god. He had light blonde hair that fell onto his forehead messily, and eyes as green as fresh pine needles. He had high cheekbones and a square jaw. He was also turning red from anger or embarrassment. Also he needed to shave, his stubble had definitely irritated my sensitive skin.

"I was not trying to touch you." He snapped, as though I had personally offended him. Psh, two could play this game.

"As if I'd let you." I snorted, giving him the once over with disdain. His jaw dropped in shock, and I nearly smiled and broke character. "Oh, I like this one alright!" The driver called back, laughing uncontrollably.

"I have that affect on people, don't worry about it. But just so you know there is a six year old back there who will be very mad that you just stole his future wife from him. He doesn't like sharing so I'd watch out." Mr. Muscles rolled his eyes as though he couldn't believe he was stuck with someone like me. Ha, it's his fault. Since we were driving smoothly I crawled over to the back doors and stood up on my knees, watching the road disappear behind the van.

"Well, is there any chance you'd pass up that six year-old for a real man? You know someone who could date you legally?" The driver was funny, and persistent. I laughed and flashed him a smile through the rearview window, a bright blue eye winked back at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the window, pressing my cheek against the glass. Mr. Muscles placed a hand on my wrist in warning, because I was totally going to jump out of a car going eighty miles an hour. I shot him an annoyed look. Suddenly the van turned screeching and sending Mr. Muscles and I tumbling. I groaned and felt something move underneath me. I looked down, and rolled my eyes.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now