Chapter Three-Alex's pov

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A/N They're going to have a very fast moving relationship, I'm not saying stop reading but just a warning :) enjoy!


As I nervously strode towards Miss Chapman's office, I realised that I knew nothing about her. Crap. How am I supposed to interview someone if I know nothing about them? I made a mental note to kill Nicky when I got home. The more pleasant blonde turned to look at me, pointing her arm towards the silver double doors in front of us. I smiled at her pleasantly and lifted my hand to knock on the door. Before my hand even made contact of with the intimidating doors, a voice yelled from inside.

"Come in just push it!" How did she know? Was it like one way glass? I pushed the door as hard as I could but nothing seemed to be happening until the blonde stood at the side of me swiped a card and the door flew open me falling into her office like a total twat. So here I was laid on the floor in THE Piper Chapman's office and not even for a good reason.

"Woaw hi there your a bit forward aren't you?" The blonde stood over me with her hand stretched out to help me off the floor after my dramatic entrance.

"Miss Chapman I'm so sorry I have zero co-ordination and I didn't know you had to swipe the door for it to..."

"Look Ms Nichols it's fine. Let's just get you up and lets start this interview pronto I have a schedule i need to stick to." I took her offered hand and stood up, smoothing my dress down. She was wearing a tight dark charcoal pencil skirt and a sheer cream blouse, you could just make out her black lace bra beneath it, attention to detail. Fucking hell. On her feet she had the most perfect pair of Louboutin's I had ever seen in my life. They were black satin with flattened down bows on the front and a perfect red sole.

"Actually Miss I'm Alex Vause I'm here on behalf of Nicky....erm....Miss Nichols she's actually ill and she needed someone to do the interview for her so I stepped in." I was so nervous. I stood up straight pulled my long black hair over my shoulders so it flowed down across my shoulders.

"I usually hate surprises, but then again I guess they have never looked like you." The mysterious blonde raked her eyes down my body. I blushed under her gaze.

"Well aren't you a fine specimen of woman Miss Vause" Oh my god. No, why am I reacting like this towards her. They're all the same. But, I've never felt like this towards someone this quickly before. No Alex, it's all looks. She's just a pretty face, a really pretty face. I know nothing about this woman and she has more money than bones in her body. She's just like...

I needed to get this interview started, the sooner it starts the sooner it's over with and I can get out of here. "So, Miss Chapman where would you like to do the interview?"

"Oh, usually I don't allow my sub...the people to be on a first name basis with me but please call me Piper." She turned around to face the big window over looking Seattle. "Shit that was close." Who was she talking to? Herself? What the fuck did she mean by sub... sub what marines? 'not you' WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?! Does she feel the same way. No of course she doesn't feel the same way. A billionaire would never fall for a girl like me what am I thinking. I need to stop letting myself get so off track.

Piper turned back away from the window and locked her eyes with mine. "Sit, let's start this interview before I get too distracted."

"Erm y-yes okay. w-w-where do you want me to erm sit?" I haven't stuttered like this in years. I glanced around the gigantic room at all the possibilities off places to sit. Of course they all looked incredibly expensive. Why does one person need so many places to sit?

She pointed me towards one of the leather chairs near her huge desk which she perched her self on the end. Her tight pencil skirt hugged her thighs even more perfect than it did when she was stood up. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wonder if she has to put effort into looking this good or if it just comes naturally.

"So this is for the newspaper, I just have a couple of questions." hoping I came across more confidently this time than a school girl stuttering in front of one of the richest people in Seattle.

"Okay but first Miss Vause please can you stop biting your lip. It is very distracting." I looked up at her, her eyes were dark and not just with colour. Her gaze had a very different meaning to what it did earlier, it made me warm, not just from blushing. I released my lip, I distract her?

"Sorry Miss..Piper. Please call me Alex." Get it together Vause.

"Okay Alex."She tried my name. The way it rolled off her tongue was heavenly. I've always hated my name but the way she said it I was starting to become more fond of it. It would sound better if she was screaming it but you can't always get what you want can you?

"It's fine, as much as I want you to stay in here for the rest of the day could we get the interview going?" Trust me I wanted to stay in this office all day.

"Yes of course. Do you mind if I record this so Nicky has the interview?" I hadn't actually planned on what I was going to do if she said no. I guess I could take notes but Nicky would be pissed and I can't deal with an angry, sick bitch that half of America wouldn't mess with.

"Yeah sure."

"Okay so Piper what do you owe your success to?" I was trying to be professional about this. Key word TRYING and failing.

"I exercise control in all things Alex."

Okay but what was that supposed to mean?

I prayed that I didn't come across as nervous as I actually was right now. I've never interviewed anyone in my entire life how did I know I was doing this right? I hoped she didn't notice. Here I was sat in Litchfield offices shaking like a leaf while Piper is sat opposite me patiently waiting while I stuttered through Nicky's questions, the first time I read them been in the parking lot before I got the elevator up here. How could I have been such an idiot? What was I thinking? 'okay Alex so today your interviewing the richest woman in Seattle maybe even in the whole of America. So don't do any prep at all, don't research her, read through the questions, see what she looks like just wing the entire thing you'll be totally fine.'

I needed to finish this interview as quickly as possible and get home. I felt so uncomfortable. I turned off the tape recorder and put it in my bag along with my pen and phone. I stood up to shake Pipers hand politely.

Before shaking Pipers hand I wiped the sweat off my palms, a clear sign of how nervous I actually am, I held it out and she took it politely. Oh my god, I just got an electric shock off Pipers hand, wait electric shocks don't last this long. I looked up at her to see the startled look on her face which probably mirrored mine. I let go and broke our little trance first when I heard a knock at the door.

"What do you want?" Piper yelled towards the door her gaze not leaving me. The nervous, probably, blonde pushed the door open and looked in our direction nervously.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Miss Chapman but your next appointment is here and he's getting impatient, I don't know what to I just thought I'd let you know that he's here."

"Cancel it, I'm not finished here." Her eyes were still locked with mine.

"Okay Miss Chapman, But what shall I do with this guy?" Piper sighed, evidently annoyed at whoever was stood behind me at the door.

"I can leave it's okay, I don't want to throw your schedule off"

"No it's fine, stay here I'll be back shortly."Back for what? The interview is over, shouldn't I be leaving by now? Piper turned around to exit her office, swaying her hips and making her ass look delicious. Piper glanced over her shoulder at me, winked at me as she carried on walking out of her office to sort out the issue outside. Why did she wink at me? I didn't say anything to her, she caught me...I paled. How did she know? I looked up to see my reflection staring back and me. She must have been looking at me in the mirror and saw how distracted by her. Oh my god. I needed to get out of here now, as if I hadn't already embarrassed myself enough today.

The door suddenly swung open, Piper looked seriously pissed off. She breathed a sigh of relief.


A/N sorry for the late update. I haven't even written pipers pov yet which is gonna be the next chapter :)

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