Chapter Six-Alex's pov

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A/N I'm really busy right now so I don't know how often I can update.

Coffee? What coffee, she hasn't mentioned it before now unless I was too busy staring and wasn't listening. Yes that was probably the case.

I'm going for coffee with Piper Chapman, I hate coffee. Either she just decided that we was going for coffee or she mentioned it before but I was too busy gawking at her goddess like form to pay attention to anything she was saying when she said it. I can't go for coffee with her, I will look like a fucking fool, a 21 year old woman who lives in Seattle who doesn't like coffee. They must sell like tea or water or soda, no it's too early for soda. I can't turn down going for coffee with THE PIPER FUCKING CHAPMAN.

"Coffee?" really Alex? That's all you fucking say after the hottest woman you have ever layed eyes on asks you out for coffee? fuck you.

"Yes Alex coffee are you deaf as well as beautiful?" She grinned at me. She was teasing me like fuck and she knew what she was doing, Piper Chapman just fucking grinned at me and it was the best moment of my life so far. Wait oh yeah coffee with Piper.

"You don't have a hatred towards coffee do you or something?" she asked teasingly while grabbing her bag and coat.

"haha no not at all. I just prefer tea or something, coffee keeps me way too awake especially when I have no reason to be awake all night" shit did I actually just say that out loud?

"Yes Alex you did just say that. Out loud. I'm sure I could give you a reason to stay awake all night" She winked at me. PIPER CHAPMAN FUCKING WINKED AT ME AGAIN! I could feel my face heat up and other parts of me heat up too. No I need to stop thinking about this before I say it out loud, again!

We walked out of her office block and across the street into the nearest Starbucks.

"I'm sorry this is so cliche and it's Starbucks but they make such good coffee here. After you..." Piper held the door for me, she's way too cute for her own good. Piper gracefully strolled over to the counter with me following awkwardly behind her. The barista smiled at her way too friendly for my liking. Alex calm the fuck down he's just been polite. Polite. Poli...Okay winking is not been polite. This guy needs to back the fuck off. Piper leaned forwards a touch on the counter giving him way too good of a view.

"Hey can I get one skinny caramel latte and one..." Piper turned to face me and ask me what I wanted to drink. I pulled my glasses down off the top of my head to read the menu on the wall.

"What do you have that isn't coffee?" The barista continued to stare at Piper

"Helloooo??? Anybody home? I would like a drink here you narrow minded prick."

"Sorry miss I was just enjoying the view." He turned his head away from me and winked at Piper. Was this guy for fucking real?

"Yeah buddy well it's not for you to enjoy okay?"

"Yeah whatever." Prick. I really needed to calm the fuck down before Piper saw the wrong side of me.

"Alex, babe, it's fine" Shit. Fuck. Did Piper Chapman just call me babe?

"'ll have the orange passion refresher please" I always seem to be unable to talk everytime I'm around her.

"Good choice." Piper reached up to whisper in my ear placing her hand softly on the small of my back for support. Fuck that electric shock feeling went straight down. The overly friendly barista who according to his name tag was called Larry handed Piper her cup back with a wink, I could see her blushing out of the corner of my eye, what the fuck did he write on her cup? I took my drink and wrapped an arm around her waist so I could read it, she did the same and distracted me what was I doing? Oh yeah reading what that prick wrote on her cup. 'Have an amazing day Piper, Stay safe. Ditch her and call me' then he left his number. Was he actually fucking kidding me. What child's game was he playing. Piper felt my arm tighten around her.

"Alex I don't know what you're thinking but please don't flip out. I know we've only just met but I..." I stormed over to the desk where thankfully Larry was making someone's coffee. Hot coffee.

"How about you stay safe?" I reached over the desk and turned the tap around to face him causing boiling hot water to splash into his face and eyes.

"What the fuck you psychotic bitch?" WOAW.

"I'm psychotic. Do you actually realise who she is?" I glanced over my shoulder to see Piper stood in the middle of Starbucks. Everything stopped. Her face was a mixture of confusion, relief, proud and I couldn't really understand what the last one was but it came straight from her eyes.

"Fuck Alex what have you done?" Piper questioned through laughter. My name. Shit. I could feel my eyes roll slightly back in my head.

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