Chapter Seven-Alex's POV

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"Fuck Alex what have you done?" I'm fucked.

"I don't know Piper. He just pissed me off and I couldn't just do nothing..."

"Yes you could Alex for fuck sake. I haven't even known you a day yet and already this guy..." she nodded towards the attempt of a man behind the counter, he was on the phone and pacing back and forth. "Has probably already called the police on you." Shit, I never thought of that.

Larry, who was now holding an ice pack to his face, probably for effect, slammed his phone down on the counter and just galred at us; I glared back at him for a split second until Piper pulled on my arm for us to go and sit down. Why did I feel like I had just broken something and she was my mother about to give me a lecture because of it?

"Wait here." Piper viciously spat at me. I couldn't wait around and not do anything. I followed her back over to the counter. Since we arrived I actually took time to look around the place, it was cute for a Starbucks in the middle if town. It was made to look vintage but not overly trying to look vintage for all the teenagers obsessed with tumblr and knee high socks.

Piper turned to look over her shoulder back at me "I told you to fucking doesn't even matter anymore." She was pissed.

She leaned over the desk a little so she could look through her lashes at him, I knew what game she was playing and I didn't like it. Even from the side I could see her shirt had gaped at the front. She had undone few of the top buttons. That sneaky mother fucker. Even from here I could tell she was batting her eyelashes and giving him the sweetest smile she could possibly give that attempt of a man. "How about you and I make a deal buddy?"

"What?" His tone cold and sharp. I wonder if he has to practice at being a prick of if it comes naturally to him? Piper and Larry turned around sharply and glared at me, one of Piper's eyebrows raised. Shit I said that out loud again.

"I'm not bribing you, but I could give you enough money so you won't have to work here anymore, if you don't call the cops." Larry looked slightly interested but then shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"No. Anyway, I already have." Shit. Piper stood up off the desk, pulled her shirt back to where it should be, she was starting too loose her cool,

"Look it was a only splash of warm water on your face, don't be so uptight about it little girl. She should have burnt your dick off since you can't handle it anyway." Yes that came out of Pipers mouth and not mine. Holy shit.

"Well now I have no regrets about calling them." Larry looked behind us. The shop filled with blue lights.

He wasn't fucking kidding. I couldn't get arrested. I'd already had more warnings than I could count on one hand. Piper didn't know that, she couldn't know that. She turned to face me.

"Alex." I couldn't tell if this was a look of annoyance or disappointment. "We will talk about this tonight at my place." Her place...what? I was getting arrested how could I go back to her place I heard her mumbling under her breath "If she was mine she wouldn't be able to sit down for a week after this." What the hell was that supposed to mean? If I was hers? Why wouldn't I be able to sit down for a week?

I could hear the sound of murmuring coming from the confused customers surrounding us and the drama going on.

Piper looked over her shoulder at me and turned with a look on her face that could make grown men shake. "Stay. Here. Do you understand me Miss Vause?" Shit.

Piper turned on her heel to leave the cafe. I wasn't going to follow her any time soon, she forcefully pushed the door open she left the cafe and strutted onto the street she glanced back at me, yes I am doing as I'm told. Piper strode towards the cop car and the tall man with a brown mustache leaned against the car.

Piper pulled her purse out of her bag and stared at the cop. What the fuck is this woman playing at. I swear if she tried to bribe a police officer she will be the one getting arrested not me. Piper and the police officer walked back into the cafe. Shit. This woman had more power and money than anyone should ever be trusted with.

Her and the brown haired, moustachioed cop walked back into Starbucks.

"Okay Miss...?" Wow his voice is fucking annoying.

"Vause, Alex Vause, who's asking?" I looked over at Piper who was glaring at me, she took a step closer to me and put her arm around my waist. She pulled her mouth up to my ear I could feel her warm breath down my neck. Fuck me, literally.

"I've already paid the man more than this coffee shop is worth, can't you just listen to me and be nice for once?" She paid him, what the fuck isn't that like illegal? Piper just can't pay people off to get me out of trouble, we only just met.

The brown haired cop turned me around, pushed me down onto the car, secured the handcuffs behind my back. I felt Piper take a step closer to me, what was she doing? The handcuffs got tighter around my wrists, oh, and she pushed me down into the car.

"I'll see you there Miss Vause." What the fuck just happened?

A/N sorry that took so long to update I really don't know where I'm going with this story.

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