16. Momma and Pappa Snart

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Samantha, like the mature villain she was, slipped her hand into JJ’s back pocket as they walked. It wasn’t like anything they did would have consequences.

They found the Legends fucking things up for the better at the town hall. Mick, Len, and Sara were starting bar fights. Nate and Ray were nerding it up. The others were being goofs.

“These… are your parents?” Sammy made a face. “You hero types are fuckin’ weird.”

JJ shrugged. She walked over to where Jax and Amaya were talking and being goofy. “Hey, Da-- uh...Jefferson. We need to talk.”

“Sorry, do we know each other?” Jax asked, frowning as he walked over to the two girls. “Wait. You are wearing future clothes. Who are you?”

“It's kind of complicated,” JJ told him. “I don't want to mess the future up any more than it already is, so I can't tell you exactly who I am but let's just say...we're like family.”

“Jordyn, once we fix the timeline, we’ll have never came back here. It won’t matter. She’s your daughter and I’m her other earthly villain lover. Hiya.”

JJ facepalmed, as Jax’s eyes widened in surprise.

“So, Pops, here’s the deal,” Sammy continued. “Snart’s future kid accidentally murdered his other future kid with the help of some other worldly future kids. We need your help to fix the fucked up timeline.”

“...Right. Okay,” Jax nodded like that made sense. What could he say? He'd been leading a very abnormal life lately. Someone could have told him fairytales and dragons existed and he would believe. (Mostly because he knew for a fact that they did exist.)

“We really just need Laurel’s parents, I think. Right?” Sammy looked over at JJ. “Everyone else is useless?”

“Well, not entirely useless,” JJ said. “But we should have some people stay back in case something goes wrong and we need back up.”

“Smart daughter you’ve got here. And very hot.” Sammy said to Jax.

He chuckled lightly at that, and JJ blushed. “Well, I'll go get Leonard and...Sara?” he guessed who Laurel's mom was based on the name Laurel.

JJ gave him an awkward thumbs up. He nodded curtly and then left to go get Captain Canary.

Sammy turned to JJ and cupped her face in her hands, “Too bad this isn’t happening. We’d make an awesome evil couple.”

“It could,” JJ said. “We’ll probably be the only ones who will remember any of this, being the ones who changed the timeline and all.”

“Or we won’t. Kaleb would have never died. You’ll have never come to get my help.”

“Don’t be such a pessimist,” JJ told her. “That’s my job. Literally. My team designated me the team pessimist.”

“Just face it, Jordyn. Neither you nor I will ever find happiness.” She pressed a soft kiss against JJ’s lips. “That’s just how it is.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” she said, as Sara and Leonard appeared.

“Awwh, look. Tiny gays.” Sara cooed, making Leonard roll his eyes.

“The way our lives are going, we won’t remember,” Sammy said before turning to the Snarts. “Howdy, y’all. Ready to stop your daughter from killing your son?”

“Let’s do it,” Sara nodded. “Where’s your Waverider?”

“This way,” JJ led the way, giving Sammy a look. What if she was right? What if they were both destined to be alone? What if she was fucking up the timeline and ruining her one chance at happiness? But she knew she had to do this, even if that meant she would end up alone and miserable. Because that’s what heroes did, right? They sacrificed everything for the sake of everyone else?

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