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Stella's POV:

The Black Lamborgini weaved in and out of the streets of Springs Rock as I made my way to the hell hole they call Bridgewood High. Just because I missed all of the morning classes dosen't mean I'm gonna miss out on flirting with extremley hot guys and I am diffenatly not gonna miss all the jealous bimbos giving me glares of envy.

Finally, after the 15 minute drive of passing red lights and a couple of honks along the way, I finally made it to Bridgewood High, located in the mists of endless woods with god knows what out there. The school was your typical building block. With masses of bricks towering over you, glass windows that over looked the front entrance plus all around the sides and a glass door for the front entrance. The front lawn had been neatly trimmed and thier were a couple of trees surrouding the building. 

Sipping the last of the coffee, damn it was good, hope Justin's not mad... sarcasm, I drove into a vacant parking space and cut the engine. Placing the mug in a holder, I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and slung it over my right shoulder, opened the door and gracefully stepped out. 

Looking around the front of the school, I noticed that thier was not a kid in sight. Definatly period 5, just before lunch, oh goody. Adrenaline pumped through me as I walked up to the large glass doors of Bridgewood. Show time. 

Grabbing the steel handles, I flung them open. The slight brezze from open windows flew through my hair as I strutted down the hallway. I frowned as I relised that all the students were still in class, Grrrr.

I began walking to the huge sign that said 'Office', hanging low on the wall next to a glass door. Before I could even place my palms on the enterance, two strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulsing warmth through my body. 

My breathing hitched as the person snuggled thier nose into my neck, breathing deeply. My body melted into thiers as I leaned into a hard chest. I felt at ease but my head was hazy, I couldn't think of anything but the person holding me.

Heaven was soon destroyed as my right leg began to burn, the feeling of fire being set a light, burning a hole in my skin. Way to ruin the mood...

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