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Demon currently  dragged a chair into the bathroom and is now just sitting and starring at her reflection with a smile on her face .

Tbh she was just bored and decided to think while looking at her self .

After what her and jah did they stayed boo'd up untill he had to go because stokely finally decided to hit him up Crying .

After that demon could bearly walk but she some how did and did a whole bunch of stuff.

Like clean fo through the rest of the pictures she was supposed to finish like one or two months ago  cleaned some more workout and eat.

Now she was in the bathroom doing nun of the  particular.

Tbh it was her favorite place in the house because it was truly a place where she could be alone and not bothered

Unless diamond clogged up the other two toilets but that's besides the point because she was gone at the moment .

This was her 'safe place' and also day one of diamond not being here .

Demon decided to do something different with her hair because she was bored .


Demon decided she would straighten it because why not

So she got out the flat iron, the heat protection ,  rat tail comb , white girl brush and her blow-dryer and got to work

It was about one to two hours of work but when I got done .


After flipping my hair for like five minutes I go and put on my horns and then some sweats and a hoodie with some slides and I grab my keys to diamonds car she never drives and my wallet and purse

I pose in the mirror and flip my hair because I look like somebody's momma .

And then I leave taking in the fresh air .


To be honest I miss this .

I've been cooped up in the house for so long  I really need to get out more

Once in the car I turn on the radio and think about where I want to go .


I heard that there was a fair up town and I really wanted to go

But go alone ?



I search for directions and start up the car


I haven't driven in a long time  I take a deep breath and pull out the drive way.

And then zoom I'm off!


As I pulled up to ski house I low-key was nervous

We haven't spoke for a few months and I was worrying about him because he moved out of my place and on his own and then went MIA when he found out about the pregnancy

Like has he changed ?

Hopefully not

Tbh in my opinion diamonds a hoe so I don't know how he fell so hard for her

Shiii idk

I go up and turn the door knob

The hell!?!

This bitch open

I go inside to see a whole mess of
Cans trash pizza boxes and whole a lot of females asleep in his living room loud music was playing  from upstairs I'm guessing it was him

In the kitchen was some of our vros talking once they saw me they called me over

"He called you over to?" Isaiah asked as we did our hand shake

"Yeah what's going on?" I ask

"He called us over but went we went to his room he kept asking if you were here and would let us in " he explained

Just then a girl came downstairs looking a mess

She was angry as she locked eyes with me

"X go get your friend!"she yells

"He's a total ass for real I'm out!" Another girl was behind her says throwing on her shirt

And with that they left and the music got louder

Everybody looked at me

"You heard the thot shoo!" Craig says

I rolled my eyes and make my ways up dodging shit that was on the steps.

Once I make it to his room the music was hella loud and I bang on his door

"Aye nigga open up!" I shout

The music  stops and you can hear shuffling.

The door opens to a tired looking ski

He doesn't even say nothing he just hugged me and started crying

"I'm sorry."

"It's ight"

We pull away

"I really loved her you know a nigga was gone take her back and every thing and she gon get pregnant on a me!?!" He says.

I shake my head

"Man it is what it is but you can't let her eat up yo whole life though shit she broke yo heart but now you gotta fix it and not shut everybody out vro"I say

He looked sad and nodded his head

"You right and that's why I'm tryna do better "

With that I run do the door and shout out



and foot steps where coming up the stairs

And then they make it everybody
Gave stokely some hugs and rekindled

And we was good and chilling

It's good to have my vro back

🙈🙉🙊I took the top off🙊🙉🙈


I kinda liked this chapter

But ... Yah

The next one will be better hehe

*No anyways this time folks*

Byeeeee 💕


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