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amber's pov

i woke up staring at the ceiling, my back ached from the hard mattress; the comforter enveloped me in warmth. as i turned into my side, i heard a door creak open.

"amber? are you awake?"

i jumped at the sound of mira's voice, causing me to sit up straight.

"yes, i'm awake." i said, seeing her standing at the foot of the bed.

"anything you'd like to eat?" she said, sounding concerned. "most of the humans that are brought down here get sick, just because of the different air. or the elevation, if you will."

"oh, um.. my head does hurt a little, but not too much." i told her, rubbing my temples.

"alright, just so you're not in any more pain."

"thank you. um.. what kind of food do you have here?" i asked, nodding at her.

"here, we have a little menu of sorts; it's not used very often." mira said, rummaging through the drawers of the dresser beside the bed.

she handed me a flimsy piece of paper, just a few items written on it. i decided on the pasta.

there were no other specification of what the pasta was, it just read; pasta.

mira nodded at me, noting what i wanted. she took the paper from me and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

i wondered how time worked here. did they have clocks? how did they tell dusk from dawn?

my stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of dusk nearing.

i decided to get out of bed and walk over to the window. i hadn't really explored the room yet, let alone the castle. i put my hand against the glass, gazing out at the bustling crowds in the village below me.

it seemed as if they all went back to their normal lives, disappearing into shops and down the street. but that wasn't the case. i looked down at the castle entrance, seeing that a group had gathered.

i squinted, seeing a sign that said; 'free the human!' more signs were lifted into the air, displaying various phrases that were in my favor. i of course knew that they wouldn't help, even though they had good intentions.

i stepped back, looking away from the window. i slowly walked over to the large closet. it was painted a creamy white, with light blue engraving and golden accents. i pulled the large doors open, revealing multiple outfits. some were beautifully sewn dresses or ball gowns, others were black-armored training outfits. i cringed, swiftly shifting the doors once again.

i turned around and gazed about the room, something i hadn't done before. the high ceilings mesmerized me, causing me to look down at the walls. they were covered in paintings, murals.

angels with huge, white wings flew across the wall. they seemed to be.. fighting these people. they had red eyes, fangs and claws; vampires. i didn't know how i hadn't noticed this before, the creatures fought. some lay on the ground, covered in blood; all this emotion and distress contained in one mural.

my train of thought was broken when i heard a knocking of the door once again. mira appeared, letting herself in.

"ah, here is your meal my dear." she set the full glass plate on the vanity.

"thank you." i thanked her.

"yes, of course. just to inform you, dusk is in about an hour and a half. i was told that is how you tell time." mira smiled at me.

"yeah, it is." i said, turning away from her and walking the the vanity.

"i'll be back in about half an hour, to get you ready." she said, turning away and leaving.

i nodded at her.

two hours until my life changed forever.

colby's pov

i casually walked in and out of the hallways, with nothing else to do but wait. i watched as maids scurried down the corridors with armfuls of clothes and various differently colored books; all entered the same room.

i had to guess it was amber's. they must be preparing her living space, after she's been changed. i just thought it was a waste of time. we'd all have to wait and see if she survived her changing, and her trials; to be a warrior of course. there wasn't really a choice for her, since it would be a waste of her newfound strengths; to let her go into studying magic.

i wondered how she was holding up. i know it's insane that we've only known each other for a day or so, but i feel like i known her my whole lifetime. i've just felt so drawn to and protective of her.

i still didn't know if i could do it, change her. i couldn't imagine her getting hurt again, let alone by me.

suddenly, i ran into father blackwood. his elbow hit my side as we both turned a corner at the exact time.

"ah, colby. there you are. i was looking for you. come with me." he said, sternly.

i obeyed and followed him.

he brought me to a set of doors, i recognized them. no one had ever let me or anyone i know in these doors. they're sacred.

blackwood nodded at one of the two guards stationed on either side of the entrance. he pulled a large, aged key out of his pocket. he swiftly unlocked the door, and stepped away to let us through.

the room was fairly small, and consisted of a iron door at the far end of the room, granite walls, floor and ceiling. there were no windows, fire-burning torches on the walls dimly lit the room.

i could see a pedestal at the far end of the room by the door. blackwood inched closer to it, i trailed behind him.

a glass box sat atop it, containing an aged dagger.

"this is the dagger which you must use to collect her blood. it is tradition, and mandatory." blackwood said, making sure i understood. "that door leads out onto the ledge, and to the table, where you must carry her. after you've done so, i will come and hand you the dagger. you know what to do from there."

i gulped, breathing heavily.

"you'll now come with me to one of the bathrooms, where you'll be cleaned and dressed for the ceremony." blackwood motioned back to the entrance doors.

i followed, looking at my feet.

i didn't want to hurt amber, but i had to; there was no other choice.

word count; 1121

"look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."

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