Perry and George

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Perry:Where am I?

Perry looked around and was surrounded by water and sand. He saw a jungle just beyond the shoreline. He didn't remember anything that had happened just whatever did, it happened fast.

Perry was wearing only an open button up shirt that was in sheds so his rippling chest and defined six pack were exposed. He had lost his pants by likely his Calvin Klein white briefs were still covering him, he felt less exposed.


Beside the sea wind and the gentle crash of the waves on the shore, Perry felt completely alone.

Perry with no intention of swimming for god knows where, he started walking towards the jungle.

Perry: What if I can't find a way off the island? What if nobody comes to find me? Somebody has too.....right?

Perry felt confused and frightened, as he walked deeper and deeper into the jungle he felt like he was being watched...or hunted.

Perry stopped in his track and spun around.

Perry:Hello? Who goes there?

Perry tried to sound intimidating but only he knew he was fearful for his life.

Perry looked deeper into the forest but saw nobody so continued walking.

Perry: Ugh I just had to wear the one pair of underwear that constantly gives me a natural wedgie didn't I?

Hee hee hee

Perry jerked his body so fast he basically gave himself whiplash. That laughing it echoed, like a large group had done it...all at once.

Perry: Who goes there?! Show your self!

Perry knowing he heard something became irritated.


Perry got his wish, with a large shake of the ground and the sounds of many trees breaking around him, before Perry's very own eyes was a....


Yes! A 9 foot tall giant boy hovered over the trembling Perry. The giant boy had a smooth body with no visible hair except a messy spiked brown hair on the top of his head. The young giant looked fit as his chest was ripped and had a well defined four pack. The giant had a green loincloth that covered one peck and nipple on his right side and his groin region.

Giant: No need to be so mean!

The giants voice boomed and knocked Perry off his feet.

Perry:God! Could you be any louder?

Giant:You're a tiny man, with a very rude voice!

Perry:Look might giant, I don't...


Perry:Excuse me?

Giant:My name George, not giant little man!!!

Perry: Okay George? Well my name is little man it's...

George:I don't care what your name is, I am bigger than you and I am stronger than you so I can call you whatever I want!

Perry was taken aback at the giants comment. This was a giant, but looked like a big version of a boy, and Perry's pride took the better than him and decided on setting down the law.

Perry: Look here giant! I don't take orders from no over grown toddler so you...

Mistake on Perry's part. George very quickly sweeper his hand and was able to hold Perry into his clutch with very little effort. George brought Perry up to his face.

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