Part One: Interesting

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A boy, about the age of 13, was very in tune with time. He always knew what time it was, without looking at a clock. People asked him, "What day is Christmas in 2099?"Or things similar. And he would always say, "Well, I'm not that good at telling time." and he would always walk away shortly after. Then his life took a turn.

 His father owned a secret labrotory working for a secret society studying science fiction and how to incorporate it into everyday life, and they were moderately successful. They were stumped by one single idea. "How do we invent time travel, for real?" it was the only question they couldn't answer. They tested the closest things closest to time travel. But they only came up with teleportation, but they wouldn't release it for another 50 years. But one child, the owner's child, had one idea. And it was interesting.

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