chapter three

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"What?" I choke out.

"Yeah, I transferred from NYU to here." He says. I stay completely silent, trying to figure out what to say. I can't believe this is happening to me. My cheating lying bastard ex-boyfriend going to the same college as I am. "Thi, say something. You're scaring me." He says as he takes a step closer to me, I take a step back and I see hurt flash across his face. That irritates me even more, he has no right to be hurt, he wasn't the one who was cheated on and left alone on prom night.

"What's there to say Aiden, you cheated and lied. Now we're over." I state.

"No, no, don't say that Thi, we can still be together. We were so good together." He says.

"You really think, I'd go back to your lying cheating ass? You really must think I'm an idiot then." I snap.

"Thi, you don't mean it. You're just thinking irrationally." He says taking a step closer to me. I go to take a step back and realize he's backed me into a corner.

"Don't call me Thi. You lost that right, it's Thea." I say.

"Thi-" He starts.

"Thea." I correct.

"Thea, please. I promise I'll be good, I won't do anything bad, just as long as you're with me." He says.

"No Aiden, I'm not going to be weak and crawl back to you." I say.

"Stop being so difficult Thea." Aiden growls as he grabs onto my arm.

"Let go of me Aiden." I snap trying to tug my arm out of his vice grip.

"No, not until you promise to be mine again." He says. I let out a whimper as he grip tightens, knowing it will definitely leave a bruise.

"What's going here?" A deep voice asks, both Aiden and I turn to look at the new voice and I see the guy from before. The one with the beautiful chocolate brown skin and eyes to match.

"Nothing to see here Logan, I'm just talking to my girl." Aiden says.

"Are you sure about that, it doesn't really look like talking?" The guy, Logan, say as he glances down at my arm in Aiden's grip.

"Mind your own business Logan and let me talk to my girl." Aiden growls.

"I'm not your girl." I say, it was barely a whisper, but somehow both guys heard it.

"Aiden, she doesn't look like she wants to talk to you." Logan says.

"Leave us alone Logan!" Aiden snaps.

"No, leave the girl alone, unless you want to mess with me." Logan growls. I watch with wide eyes as Logan and Aiden have a staredown. I let out a breath of relief when Aiden releases my arm and steps away from me.

"You're a dick Vos." Aiden states before walking away. I lean my back against the wall and try and pull myself together. I feel a hard stare on me and look to see Logan staring at me.

"Thank you." I quietly say.

"Yeah, no problem." He mutters.

"I'm Thea." I say.

"Logan." He responds.

"Well, thanks again Logan." I say.

"Are you leaving?" He asks.

"Yeah, parties aren't really my thing. The last time I went to one, I caught Aiden cheating on me." I say, willing myself not to cry.

"He cheated on you? Wait, so he was your boyfriend?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, boyfriend of three years and he cheated on me, my senior prom night. It was humiliating, everyone saw, even my so-called friends, they all knew, but no one cared enough to tell me. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bombarding you with my screwed up love life." I ramble.

"It's fine, he's an asshole for doing that to you." He says.

"Thanks." I say. "Well, it's getting late, I should head out. Thanks again, I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, no problem." Logan says. I smile at him once more before making my way to the front door.

But before I could make it to the door, I crashed into a hard surface.

"You have got to be kidding me." I groan.

"Watch where you're going." A deep voice snaps and I look up to see those piercing teal eyes.

"Excuse me?" I ask narrowing my eyes at me.

"Watch where you're going." He restates.

"Why don't you watch where you're going." I snap.

"You're the one who crashed into me." He points out.

"Well you could've avoided me if you were looking where you were going." I say.

"Whatever princess, just watch where you're going next time." He snaps before briskly walking past me. I roll my eyes at his retreating figure, before finally making it to the door of the stupid frat house. This night needed to be over.


so thea and vince have interacted. i hope you're enjoying the story and are ready for a wild ride.

--xoxo g

--xoxo g

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