Chapter 2

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The factory.
The stupidly big factory owned by it's idiot owner, Willy Wonka.
I can't believe I'm actually here.
It was silent, completely and utterly silent, except for the fact a snobby girl was chewing her gum, loudly, like there's no tomorrow!

"Hurry up already, it's cold" I mumbled as I wrapped an arm around Charlie to keep him, at least, a little warmer.

"What do you think he will be like?" Charlie asked, curiously as he looked up at me.

I thought for a moment of how I could sugar coat what I actually thought, "a marvellous man with great ideas".

Wow Lily, could you be anymore cliché?

Suddenly the gates opened and the other children and their parents hurried inside, Charlie kind of did, but I was dragging my heels a little bit.
I never thought I'd be here, not even for an instant.
I wasn't listening or watching what was going on until the robots started singing this terrible song about that idiot.
I glanced down at Charlie, he looked confused, but at the same time excited.
I know I keep saying on thinking it, but I love him so much, I stroked his head and smiled sweetly.
Suddenly, someone shifted beside me, I turned to see him standing there, I felt so angry that he'd dare to stand near me.

"Long time, no see Lily".

I gritted my teeth and scowled, he has the nerve to act like he didn't leave me behind, he may be a genius, but he can sometimes be bloody clueless.

"Go to hell".

Wonka looked sad and a little offended at my reply.

"No need to be rude".

I glanced down at Charlie, who was still watching the show, then lowered my voice making sure not to attract any attention.

"What you did was far beyond rude, so don't tell me what I shouldn't do".

I looked away from him, fuming beyond belief.

"You're not still angry at me, are you?".

I glanced up at him before watching the robots start to melt.

"I've sworn off other men, because of you".

He looked at me sadly,"Lily...".

"Shut up, don't talk to me".

Suddenly the song finally ended and Willy started clapping in amazement like an over excited kid.

"Wow what a finale!".

God, please end me now.

I wasn't listening to the entire time everyone was talking, awkwardly, with him and him, having issues, was trying to say parents, then finally we were allowed inside.

So much warmer, thank you Christ!

"Mr. Wonka, it sure is toasty in here" Mr. Teevee exclaimed, as he took off him coat.

"What? Oh yeah, it's because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate, they just can't stand the cold" Willy replied, trying to sound mildly exciting.

I was sticking close to Charlie as the other kids tried to get the idiot's attention. It was ridiculous, to be honest, but then the corridor began to get smaller and narrower, it was soon clear it was one of his tricks.

"Why is the door so small?" Mike Teevee asked, obnoxiously.

"It's to keep all the chocolatey flavour inside" he said, happily, as he looked towards everyone.

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