6. Freed

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Blacky sat on a old bench in the middle of the garden.

"I D-Dont think you should take over... I can ha-handle it... Myself..."

"T-They won't treat me as friends if they see you!!... Ah-!... I'm s-sorry.."

"N-No! Reborn will kill me if he f-finds out!"

"am I.. A Monster?.."

He could only stared into the orange sky above him.
"Would this be the second time?"
he wondered aloud, as a small smile reaches his lips despite the mask that hides it.

He had always been here.. settled in this corner of Tsunayoshi's heart. Slowly he reaches his hand out to the sky as a piece of memory came back to him. 

It was a memory that only he knew.

That time when he met Tsunayoshi for the very first time. And the happenings afterwards.
The brunet was only in elementary school then, yet his height slowly growing so closer to his.

".. don't leave like this" he felt that sentence formed at the back of his throat. But he found himself saying the opposite.

"Don't worry.. even If I Leave, You'll.. do well on your own..
I remember.. when I first met you, and before I knew it. You already grew up...
Though we are putting an end to our relationship..

Don't ever feel sorry for me.

If... Or when I get to meet you again  no matter what form I take...
so greet me happily then.." Blanky found himself the resolve, for they are the same anyways

To accept what Tsunayoshi wanted. And that is to Stay Away...

far away.

<Back to Black>

Tsuna flinched at the sudden coldness of the wind, 
causing him to look up and out the window of the classroom. Greeting him was the blue sky, and the sound of nature... Somehow,

It felt peaceful.

"Juudaime!" "Yo Tsuna!" 
Gokudera and Takeshi came up to him with smiles on their faces. It was like any other day, it felt. Normal for once, without the odd feeling of nervousness or fear. 
It is just peaceful. "We should go get lunch soon Tsuna, I heard the cafeteria is making something special today" Takeshi spoke, "Yup, let's go" Tsuna nooded.

And as the school ends,
The three make their way towards the Sawada Household. The two guardians were fairly shaken up by the time when Tsuna had suddenly disappeared.

Thus decided to guard the brunet all the way to the doorstep of the house. After all, they shouldn't let their guard down. Not again.

Like a lesson learnt,
They saw a male standing by the gates of the Sawada household. 

It was the same male that they met before while looking for Tsuna near the temple. "That cosplayer?" Takeshi muttered, but kept his guard up. "Tch, what are you standing there!? It's Juudaime's house you're standing o-" Gokudera was stopped when Takeshi placed his hand on his shoulder. "I don't think you should say more" Takeshi spoke. 

Unlike Gokudera, Takeshi could feel it, the menacing aura around that odd fellow.
Gokudera was about to yell back before noticing Tsuna's widen eyes. 

Ookuriraku hopped off that gates, taking a step closer before taking a sigh. "-?.. Ohh~...I can't see you" He eyed Tsuna, causing the boy to flinch. "Whatdi ya do?" He glared harder, as the two guardians took a step in front of Tsuna. "..." Tsuna had no idea what to reply. This male... is dangerous..

"Oi. I asked ya a question. Ya got tan hearing problem?"
Ookuriraku spoke again, his killing intent slowly revealing itself. "Wha-"
Before a bullet was shot into his chest.


The hitman appeared on the roof of the house, hopping in between the guardians and Ookuriraku. "What is this." The hitman uttered, his guys on Ookuriraku. "Who are you?" he demanded, yet there was no answer. But laughter. 
"Ya got me there small chib" Ookuriraku chuckled as to reaches into his chest and dig out the bullet with his fingernails and threw it aside.

"The heck?!"

"Da Name's Raku." He spoke up, eyeing Tsuna with a look of disdain. "And Ya. Seriously, Is quite a disappointment"

"Eh... ?"

"I meant it." Ookuriraku huffed "For a person, though once with our flames ta be a shitty coward. I'm disappointed." he pointed his finger at Tsuna, ignoring the three around the brunet. "Clearly Ya aren't fit for it."

"Plus Ya Vongola Decimo Right?
I'll take it as a bonus." Ookuriraku smirked, lowering his stance as he readied himself for battle. "I can kill ya-."

It only took a second as Tsuna blinked, too see this make name Raku in front of him. With Takeshi and Gokudera on the floor, Reborn thrown midair as if attacked before he could move away.

"-And it'll be a walk in the park." he heard Ookuriraku uttered.

Im going to die- I'm going to-



Tsuna would himself in the state of pure panick, reaching out into his mind to find the very person he knew that could help him. But...

All Tsuna saw was a empty field, an empty bench.


He saw no signs of the boy with flowers.

..... Eh..?....

<Back to Black>

As he walked down the streets, and into a mini mart. He immediately went over to the milk section, not noticing the horrid look on the cashiers face.

Looking over all of the options, he humed to himself before taking three milk cartons that were on offer.

Heading over to the counter, he placed them on the table. Staring down at the male, waiting.

The worker gave a terrifyingly squeek, his body frozen in pure shock at who is in front of him.

Its the same person who came in before, the demon looking, flower wearing male.

"... Are you done?" he heard a whisper, causing him to flinch back. Thinking of all the reason why he had to be one one in this encounter. "Y-Y-Y-Yes-Shit-I Mean N-" his panick is unmeasureable.

The door to the mart slide opens.



"......" he only tiled his head to the newcomer, while the cashier breath a sigh of relief that he no longer by himself.

"HEY! Join my extrema boxing club!! What's Your Name??!!?" asked the very hyper newcomer.

His question made him think a little. There wasn't any name that was given to him... Besides...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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