v. nobody hurts my girl (number five)

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a/n: hey guys, this is set in present day, nothing much has changed. you guys are like 14 or something in this. sorry i haven't updated much, been super busy with school and stuff. also this book is already up to 1k i'm amazed! love you lots guys, thanks for putting up with my shitty writing :)
warnings: mild violence, mild language
request: this is from my girl @baudelairres who says "do an imagine where hazel and cha cha have captured the reader and hold a gun to her. five would rather die for her and he saves her. they make out and the fam are all so happy". hope i did okay :)

five's pov:

i paced around my room, calculating the numbers in my head. The world ends in 6 days and I have no idea how to stop it. I've tried thinking of everything but gotten no where. And worse yet, I'm being hunted down by the Comission, as if things couldn't get even more complicated. I actually thought I was getting somewhere with the glass eye, and I wasted 1 whole day waiting outside the manufacturing company. I hadn't really had a moment to process the fact that I had found the family again. It had been such a long time since I had talked to another person (except Delores of course), and even though they were still as insane as I remember, I had missed them. Especially one person in particular. Y/N was my only friend on the outside of the Umbrella Academy. I had met her on my first night back in the present. She couldn't help but catch my eye as I had walked into the doughnut shop. She had just sat at the counter with her eyes glued to her phone, oblivious to my staring. She was gorgeous, with beautiful H/C hair and eyes which I could easily lose myself in for hours. The best thing about her though? She liked me for me. As soon as I talked to her we broke into deep conversation. Initially, I had thought that she would be one of those girls who get all flirty around me just because I have powers, but she seemed uninterested in what my powers more. She wanted to hear about my life, my favourite books and singers. It was such a breath of fresh air. Luckily, I managed to get her phone number just before she left, and before all hell broke loose. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. As I was drifting away again into thoughts of talking to her again, Luther came busting into my room.

"Christ Luther no need to barge in, can't you see I'm working?"
"What the hell was last night about?"
"What in hell are you talking about?"
"Who the hell were those two people and why do they want you?"

I was stunned for a moment. Two people? Who does he mean? The rest of the family walked in slowly behind him, blocking the door entirely. They all seemed pretty pissed off (well what's new?). Diego answered my questioning look.

"Two attacked the house? I don't know two assassins or something, they were looking for you. They....they hurt Grace and almost killed the rest of us as well."

I rolled my eyes. Dammit Hazel and Cha-Cha you're not making saving the world easy for me. I felt a pang of guilt about Grace, but hadn't we argued a day before about switching her off? It wasn't my problem to deal with at the moment.

"Well at least no one got hurt-"
"That's all you can say?"

Luther yells at me. I give him one of my infamous death glares.

"Well would you like me to organise a fucking 'sorry party' or whatever? It's my business and I will deal with it."
"Now, if you'll excuse me I have some business I need to attend to."

Just as Luther was about to yell at me more, I teleported away. That man can be such a headache. He goes to the moon for 4 years and suddenly he's had it worse then all of us.
I landed just beside the van parked out the front of the manufacturing company, ready to do some more digging, when all of a sudden something strange caught my eyes. Worry passed through my body as I threw open the van door and climbed into the passenger side to get a better look at the words painted on the glass.


Son of a bitch-


y/n's pov:

The room was quiet for once. I don't know how many hours those two sociopaths had tortured me, punching and slapping and kicking me till I could hardly stay conscious, but finally they had left me alone for a while. The entire time they would not stop screaming about where 'Number Five' was and what he as doing. Every time they would ask I would tell them the truth 'I don't know where he is' but would they believe me? Of course not, and another punch would just land on my face. I was broken at this point, I just wanted to either escape or die. I had analysed every angle, trying figure out a way to knock out these two people and run, or sneak out through the air vent or something but I knew it was impossible. They'd just catch me again and kill me so what was the point? I know it sounds desperate and needy, but I needed someone to save me. Anyone who could bust through those doors, unite me and kill these people before whisking me away. But I mean, what are the odds?

I heard voices coming from outside the room and I groaned. Great they're back, time to get punched again. They come in with the all too familiar masks and a bag from my favourite doughnut shop. How sweet of them. The woman with the pink bunny head walked behind me and yanked my hair back. I let out a cry of pain.

"Ready to tell us where Five is or do you want to keep being a stubborn little bitch?"

I grit my teeth and let out a breath.

"For the last fucking time, I. Do. Not. Know. Where. He. Is!"

She came to the front of my face and punched me, and I felt like vomiting from the sound of my nose cracking. All I could taste was blood mixed with my tears and she was readying her fist for another attack.

"Don't give me that shit! We know you talked with him two days ago-"
"Yeah for like 10 minutes! He came up to me, we just talked about, I don't know, books or something! After that I left and went home. I've told you this like a billion times I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS!"
"Tell me why I should believe you bitch?"
"Because it's the truth! Please just let me go!"

I cried out. I sounded pathetic but what else could I tell them? They both sighed and walked to the other side of the room, mumbling to each other. I closed my eyes and prayed that this would be all over soon. Suddenly, I heard a quite knock on the door. Both of my kidnappers head's snap towards the door then back at each other. They pull their guns out of their holsters and walk slowly towards the door. The man walks towards the window and the woman stands behind it, gun at the ready. The man pulls back the curtains.

"Uh...there's no one there."
"Hey assholes!"

Suddenly I see the boy I met in the coffee shop teleport over to the kidnappers and punch them. They both started shooting blindly, and unluckily for me one bullet managed to lodge itself in my shoulder. I cried out and threw the chair I was bound to on the floor to stop myself from getting hit again. The pain was blinding and all I could see were spots in my vision. I heard continued grunts of pain and thuds. I managed to turn my head upwards, only to see Five teleporting around the room, dodging bullets and launching attacks. I threw my head back down on the carpet, as keeping it up was only causing me to get more exhausted. After a few minutes of fighting and yelling, the room went silent. I could barely keep my eyes open, the pain radiating from my shoulder was that bad. All of a sudden I felt the shop tied around my wrists snap, and for the first time in hours I could move them about freely. I cracked my knuckles and wrist, which released some pain, and I heard a voice in my ear.

"Hey it's okay, I'm here to rescue you."

I groaned in pain again, and yelped when I felt him lift me up, carrying me out of the room in a bridal position.

"It's alright, you're safe now. Nobody's going to hurt my girl anymore."

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