xiv. arranged (medieval!klaus)

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a/n: hey my dudes, this is set in a medieval era, but all the kids still have powers. idk how long this will be, but this is only part one of a few? also not going to lie i didn't do much research into arranged marriages and medieval stuff, so sorry to all the history nerds if i got anything wrong. enjoy! i had a lot of fun writing this.
warnings: none? probably one minor swear
request: from the lovely and amazing @WriterGirlme

From a young age your life was planned out, down to the smallest detail. Although you were allowed to go where you wanted and to do what you pleased, deep down you knew you never truly had freedom no matter how far you roamed.
Your parents, the honourable Duke and Dutchess of your city, had a reputation to uphold, and although they loved their daughter, setting her up with one of Sir Reginald Hargreeves' sons was an opportunity they couldn't resist.

The carriage ride to the Hargreeves' castle estate was nerve wracking to say the least. The late afternoon sun was covered by a few dark clouds, perfectly reflecting your mood. You smoothed down the fabric of your sky blue dress, trying to find something to distract yourself with, to no avail. Your hair was pulled back into a tight bun, not a single stand of hair out of place, and your mother had told you to keep your makeup to a minimal. This had been your life for the last 16 years; putting on a nice dress, tying back your hair, lightly covering your face in makeup and smiling constantly, as if frowning would kill you. All you had ever wanted was a tiny bit of freedom; to do something that neither of your parents had planned for you. Easier said then done. They had complete control over your life, and most of the time you couldn't do the things you loved. A dream of yours was to go out on the countryside and ride horses, but they were considered 'too dangerous' so you were forced to stand on the sidelines and watch the trainers gallop around your estate. How you envied them.

You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn't noticed that your carriage had stopped moving. You were pulled up out the front of an intimidating looking castle, which made your family's castle look like a peasants home. It was made of dark stone, the stairs leading up to pillars which stretched up all the way to the third floor. At the top of the stairs was a giant spruce door with a lions head knocker, which was insanely realistic. The driveway was mostly covered in grey gravel, with a few small patches of bright green grass.

Without warning, the door swung open, and out stepped the man himself, Sir Reginald Hargreeves. From behind him, 7 children came and lined up next to him, their eyes straining to see into the dark windows of your carriage. They were dressed finely, the girls wearing dark blue dresses, and the boys wearing suits of the same colour. They looked completely normal face to face, but you knew this was a lie. The whole kingdom was aware of their powers and what each of them were capable of. They were used as the first line of defence for when enemies attacked, and although some people thought of them as witches, most people saw them as a gift.

Your door opened and you took a deep breath, taking the door mans hand and stepping out. Your parents walked forward and you trailed slowly behind them, unable to tear your eyes away from each of the children's faces.

"Welcome to Umbrella Estate, Duke and Dutchess L/N. It's a pleasure to have you here. This must be the lovely Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you. These are my seven children, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben and Vanya."

The Reginald introduced each of them and you curtsied politely. He snapped his fingers and servants worked like clockwork, pulling out your luggage and taking it inside.

"Now, come inside. Allison and Vanya, show Y/N to her room while I show out guests around the estate. Meet us in the gardens in half an hour."

The two girls nodded and looked at you expectantly. You glanced at your parents who's eyes were fixated on the castle. You sighed and started following them inside. The two girls took you up the black marble staircase silently, and zigzagged through the endless hallways. You passed servants along the way, and you smiled at each of them. Once you got to the room, they opened the door and Vanya exhaled. Allison wasted to time and jumped on your bed, kicking off her shoes and burying her face in the soft duvet.

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