Guilty || part two

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She's sitting on the edge of her bed, frowning slightly.

Then she looks at her alarm clock.

5:40 am.

She stares at the numbers, thoughtfully. She hesitates. She's anxious.

She sighs.

And she gets up suddenly before she leaves her room.

Casey closes the front door of her house, letting a note on the fridge : 'Gone at the library early for revising. -casey'. She's always goes at the library in the morning when she had time for revising her lessons. Her family knew that, and her stepparents were obviously proud of it.

But when she steps on the sidewalk, the library being nearby in the street opposite, Casey ends up changing paths and turns right instead of taking the pedestrian crossing.

She was scared, but confident. And if she was doubting, she was still brave.

So she joins the bus stop which is only a few meters away from her. She waited for a moment with some other persons, and then the bus was coming.

The next minute she grabbed the bar between the rows to stay steady during the drive. Given the time, there weren't many people on this bus and it was much better.

Her brown eyes lowered on the paper, which she discreetly took out of her pocket.

Staring at it, she swallows, feeling the stress, and the fear, and the pressure growing inside her. She was going to see him. This animal. This Beast...

Flashbacks were keeping coming in her mind, like a warning, or more like a recall. She needed to remember how he was for her to be prepared.

Remember his imposing size that makes her nervous. Remember his strong musculature that makes her feels ridiculous. Remember his chest that lowers and rises quickly, giving her the impression that a rage is boiling inside him and consuming him, to the point of thinking that he can pounce on her at any moment to devouring her alive. Remember of his deep, dark voice that causes her goosebumps and making her heart beating faster than ever. And remember his strength, that always makes her feel so much weak.

Indeed, she was seeing him again. After a long time of separation. And God knows that whenever these two get to meet, it's never calm and safe.

Casey gets off at the stop closest to her destination to not being followed or anything. She walks again, away from the bus and people.

Going closer and closer to the address that Dennis gave to her, she notices that she approaches an abandoned building on the corner of the street, which didn't seem to be frequented. At least, the only person who was there has just left the avenue.

She frowns slowly, wondering if it was here.

She keeps walking, getting closer to this building. Then she slow down, looking on the number of this apartment and the one on the paper.

Yes. That was it.

Casey looks up at the roof, noticing it's a bit higher than she imagined. It wasn't a big building but if he was really there, he got space. She briefly details the walls, seeing the dusty windows, many of which are broken, before slowly advancing to the entrance of this apartment building.

The young girl climb the three small steps of stairs, intrigued by this mysterious edifice somewhat dilapidated. Her breathing gradually begins to accelerate as she looks at the dirty handle, then when she turns it before slowly pushing the door, the sound of several nails rolling on the floor comes to her ears.

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