A Way Out Of This

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"...Then he was coming back, and I understood that he was... This personality, the beast that we see on internet. I woke up when I heard him break down the door and destroyed the lock. I didn't know what to do, I was completely freaked out. So I was just crying. Then he told me to go. At the time, I didn't understand why but... I just run away..." The girl explains to the inspector and his superior.

"That's it ?" The inspector asks with his deep voice and a ironic tone, his arms crossed. "Just like that ?" He adds but get cuts by the chief of the police.

"Thank you for your answers, Miss Bailey." He says nicely. "You can go to your home now but be sure that we can contact you at moment. We could still need you for this case--"

"What's those marks on your wrists ?" Roman suddenly asks, casually, while leaning against the desk of the interrogation room. "Were you handcuffed ? That's weird. We didn't find any handcuffs at his hideout."

"Hum, no I wasn't..." Miss Bailey looks down at her wrists. "It's just... Allergy marks." She then looks up at him with no stress. "I wore wristbands not long ago, but I stopped when I noticed them."

"Are you sure ?"

"Goodbye Miss Bailey." His chief ended the conversation before he shakes her hand.

Roman and him then went to his office to put cards on the table.

And right after the door closed, Roman was ready to expose the facts.

"She lied." The inspector says, annoyed.

"Ahhh... Come on, tell your theory..." His superior sighs deeply as he sits on his chair behind his desk.

"My theory ?" He repeats back, raising his eyebrows. "You want one ? Fine." He adds before he clears his throat. "She's fucking escaped without even having a wound, it's not possible !"

"Calm the hell down, Roman." His superior stops him. Lucky for Roman, he was easily use to his caracter. "It's not the first time that... 'The Horde' let a girl go."

"No, you're right... He did it once. Just once. This girl is only the second and I don't think this guy got emotional just by seeing her crying." He insists with disagreement. "I'm sorry, Lance, but I don't believe it."

"What are you trying to do ? She explained herself, she told us how it's happened. And everythings fits with what we found. Why would she lied ?"

"I don't know yet--" He sighs.

"We told her right from the start what she could risk if she didn't tell the truth, so what could be her motivations ?" He tries to reason with him, seeing he wasn't convinced.

"I don't know ! But... But maybe she knows something we don't." He replies, persevering.

"Seriously, O'Connor..." Lance frowns, bored. And hating how much the inspector always disrespects him. But as much as he hates him, Roman was the best at this job and Lance let things slide, like the very patient and tolerant man he was.

"This psycho shreds his victims with his teeth. Why would he have moods suddenly ?" He asks.

"He didn't have moods like you say..." His chief contradicts. "Roman. He is, a serial killer. It's known that those guys always play with their victim like a damn cat playing with a mouse."

"He's not just a killer. He got 24 fucking identities." Roman says firmly, staring at his superior's eyes.

And meanwhile, far away from the city and from the police, two persons were walking in a forest. At least, one person and a group of people...

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