Chapter 3

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After spending almost all night playing games with Cry, I don't know how, but I fell asleep on the desk, apparently while playing on Gmod. How is that even possible? Anyways, when I woke up it was almost past noon. I still felt tired since I slept in a really bad position and my back hurted like hell, and, too lazy to do anything else, I stood up and went to the bed.

Before sleeping again, I checked on my phone. Is something I always did no matter how tired/sleepy I was. Oh yeah, I received some texts from Marzia when I was playing with Cry, informing me that she had a nice fly and that she arrived safely to her parent's house. I felt happy and relieved.

Going back to my actual phone-checking, I had like 30 texts from Cry. I laughed when I readed all of them.

1. From: Cry♥

Subject: Uncompleted dick

Dude, are you dead? You suddenly fainted out of the blue while we were building a giant dick on Gmod in case you wake up with amnesia, or in case you wake up at all. Answer me when you wake up.

2. From: Cry♥

Subject: It's done

I finished the dick. It went awesome. Also, I'm worried, please answer me as soon as you wake up, if you do.

3. From: Cry♥

Subject: Pewds pls

Please answer. My last picture of you can't be sleeping, or dead in the worst case. Answer me as soon as you wake up.

And the messages kept on like that. I smiled. Oh, my baby was worried about me, how heart-warming. I didn't know if I should text Cry before going to sleep, or just do it after I wake up. I decided to go for the second option since I was too tired to write anything anyways. I'm an asshole for having my friend worried thinking I'm dead, but w/e. I tossed my phone aside and instantly regretted it when it feel on the floor. Ah, fuck it. I decided to care about everything just after I finally get my god damn sleep.


I woke up just 1 hour later, but I felt better none the less. I remembered Cry's messages and my phone being on the floor, so I picked up and texted Cry.

To: Cry♥

Subject: I'm fine baby boo

No need to worry anymore my fellow. I'm safe and sound. I just fell asleep because I was too tired, sorry for not saying anything. I will go on Skype after I have lunch, so I hope you will be there waiting for me with candles and sexy lingerie ;)

And Cry answered almost immediatly.

From: Cry♥


Thank GOD you're fine. I really thought you died. I don't need you dead right now.

I'll be there. Dressed. Also, I have some things to tell you that you might not care about but I need to fangirl on someone. So connect ASAP. See you there friend.

I threw my phone on the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. What could it be that Cry was so excited to tell me about? I really could feel his fingers trembling while he wrote the message. I really wanted to know but I was really hungry.

I just did some pasta with tomato sauce because I didn't know what else to do, since I didn't cook often. It was Marzia who did the cooking because her food tasted much better than mine. Thinking about this while I was preparing the sauce really made me miss Marzia. Come on Pewds, it has just been a day. Keep yourself together. You are burning the pasta.

When I finally finished cooking and eating, I went upstairs and went on Skype just like Cry requested. He was on, and when I called he instantly picked up.

"Pewds. Pewdspewdspewdspewds. I- she- SHE."

"Whoa. Slow down. What is it with... her?"


"Oh, right, I remember. I saw it on the TV a while ago. Sorry for not informing about it to you."

You see, Cry is a huge, and I mean HUGE fan of Avril Lavigne. He always goes to her concerts no matter how far they are, and when he can't (because he is pretty busy with his channel, or his sister is sick, which is pretty often actually) he just spends days crying.


If she is going to make a concert here in England...

That means he will come here...

And I can make him stay at my place!

"So... You'll come to England?"

"I... I don't know... Y- You see" it would surprise you to see how sorrowful he looked. It was awful. "I don't have enough money for the concert and flight tickets, plus an hotel and food, because I didn't save much for buying useless stuff... So... So I..."

"Hey buddy. Hey. Calm down. There is something I have to tell you. Something important."

"What... what is it?" he looked up at me.

Aw man, he is going to adore me a lot after this.

"You see, I knew you didn't have the money to afford all of that, since you were telling me how much crap you were buying. So I want you to look closely at this." I took an Avril Lavigne concert ticked that were placed nearby. And I showed them to him. His face was priceless. Yes, I know I am the best.

"Oh my God Felix. Oh my God. You fucking didn't."

"Yes Cry, I fucking did. And you don't have to pay for an hotel, you can stay at my place. BUT you have to buy your own damn flying tickets."

"...excuse me a little bit."

Cry stood up and kicked open his bedroom door. I could hear him yelling in excitement, plus her sister asking what the fuck was wrong with him.

I felt amazingly pleased with myself, not only because I made Cry enormously happy, but because my plan worked. I was going to have his nice ass here. A-mazing.


"Yes Cry, yes. I know. Now prepare all your luggage and get your ass here soon."

"But, Pewds, umm... I realized I can afford an hotel, since your holiness got me the concert tickets so..."

Oh no you lil shit, you ain't ruining this now.

"No Cry. You are staying at my place. Stop wasting money."


"Cry, listen here. I'm more than glad to have you here, in case that's what you're worried about. Like I told you before I'm lonely without Marzia." I grinned. "You are just staying at a hotel if it's with me after our first date."

Cry rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh. "Pewds stop flirting with me."

"And anyways, if you don't stay with me then..." I showed him some scissors with the concert tickes between them.

"OKAY OKAY! Fine! I'll stay with you! But I want to be on Marzia's room."

"Aww, won't you sleep with me my dear?~"

"No. I want to smell Marzia's panties."

"Fuck you Cry. I'll tidy up the fucking guest's room." I didn't want to, but I couldn't let my bro sleep in a dusty, filthy ass room.

"Alright, I'm already buying the tickets so... see you in two weeks."

Thank you so so much for the comments and votes. They make me really really happy! and since I'm feeling a bit motivated and full of ideas now I might update more often. Again, thank you a LOT for reading, voting and commenting. I love and appreciate all of you! you are the bestest! kisses!

Pictures /PewdieCry ♥Where stories live. Discover now