Chapter 4

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From: Cry♥

Subject: Taking off

Sooo, yeah. I'll be taking off in a few minutes, so be ready. I'll arrive to London in a few hours. Jk it will be an 8-10 hours long fly. I'll text you when I'm about to land, because you are going to pick me up at the airport, since I don't know where the hell your house is. C u :)

I smiled while reading his text message. I was way too happy and excited that I was finally going to see my long-time friend and also long-time crush.

Yeah, I guess I'm accepting I have a crush on my best friend. But w/e.

I also tidied up the room he was staying it. I even re-painted it and bought new covers for the bed. Holy shit.

Anyways, I just can't sleep. I'm way too hyped. What can I do about it? it's the first time I was going to see him in person, I would be able feel his presence. I would be able to touch him. I would be able to have his person close to mine. And, most importantly, I was going to be able to touch the booty.

But I will obviously not going to do that (unless he wants me to of course wink wink). I'm not going to creep my friend out and make him uncomfortable, or in the worst case make him sue me for sexual harassment. I'm going to have a hard time resisting the temptation. Like, you can't have Cry in front of you without wanting to touch his butt. And I'm pretty sure you're thinking the same way as me.

I was lying in my bed but, not being able to sleep, I couldn't stand being there so I stood up and went to the computer. Should I record a game? But I didn't have any one in mind and I was lazy to continue some series I was working on, so I decided to tweet the Bros that I was going to make a "Pewds does everything" video. And, being the fabulous and popular babe I am, there were lots replies in less than 2 minutes. I laughed at the Bros' requests. Was it that funny to see me humiliate myself? I think so. I took five dares and started recording.

"How's it going Bros? My name is Peeeeewdiepie! And welcome to... FRIDAYS WITH PEWDIEPIE! yes. In Sunday. And in this episode, guess! I'm going to do a PEWDS DOES EVERYTHING! But you probably knew if you saw my tweet." I started like I usually did in all of my videos. "It's very late and I haven't sleep one bit because I'm too excited, because I'm going to see someone... but that's a secret you will know another day!" I winked at the camera. I'm planing on letting them know by playing together with Cry. "Whatever, let's begin!"


When I finished recording, I still had some hours to pick up Cry at the airport so I edited the video a bit. I had a hard time recording that video since Marzia wasn't here to help me but I managed to do so somehow. And I think it turned out pretty well... I guess.

I had half the video done edited when I received a text from Cry. That text I was long waiting for. And when I took the phone I was very very excited.

From: Cry♥

Subject: Move

An hour until arrival. You better get your ass to the airport now.

I didn't finish reading the text when I let out a yell of excitement. I threw my phone on my bed and ran to the shower. I didn't want to smell when I first meet my crush.

I quickly dressed and dried my hair, took my phone, went downstairs, took my keys, put on my shoes and rushed outside to my car. I was surprised that it was raining faintly, so I went back inside and pick up an umbrella.

I was very impatient, but I still drove carefully down the streets to the airport. Safety first, kids. Never forget.

When I finally arrived to the airport I parked and went inside sitting on the waiting chairs. I texted Cry.

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