Chapter 31

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So far, I've been able to stay rather consistent with updating my books. I have three ongoing ones right now. I wonder how long that will last...

"It's okay, child. Everything will be fine. Things will work out but you just have get through the hardships for now," Eun said as she attempted to stop Ara from crying as she sat in the middle of the bed with the covers wrapped around her. Yes, Ara was crying but she was locked in the room that she was supposed to be sharing with Add. "I should have done something then. I saw him there. I could have saved him but I...I'm so useless sometimes," Ara muttered as she cried.

It was true, she had woken up a bit earlier that Add, an entire day and a half to be exact. They'd been in a cell along with Owen while Eve was deciding what to do with them. She had apparently already made plans for Add and Ara had happened to wake up just as a pair of nasods were about to take him away. They had the cell open and everything, one of them with Add unconscious over their shoulder and the other about to close the door and lock it once more.

Ara had practically ordered Eun to lend her powers as she lept up without hesitation. The nasods that were taking Add away had been startled and one had quickly closed the door and locked it before Ara could get to it but she instantly reacted, using Eun's power to cleanly scratch the bars. Ara lashed out on the first nasod that was surprisingly able to hold its own against her for about a minute while the other one got away with Add. Ara considered that pretty good for a simple prison guard nasod but she hadn't taken any longer than a minute to deal with it.

That was enough time for the other nasod to get a good short distance away from Ara which she had covered rather easily. She didn't want to harm Add so she did a backflip over the nasod while it was escaping and landed right in front of it, striking it in its nasod core the moment she identified it. The nasod crumpled to the ground and Ara caught Add before he got anywhere close to touching the floor but there was a problem.

Owen was still there and probably still unconscious and alarms had begun to go off. The other prisoners around them began to beg for Ara to set them free but they were all nasods and Ara had a priority. "Add! Add wake up! Come on, wake up!" Ara had said as she lay Add down and lightly slapped his face but she got no response. Instead of wasting time, she rushed back to where Owen was, bringing Add with her and got Owen to wake up. He was quite frightened but understood the situation as Ara began to drag him out of the cell.

It was then that the Code: Track_01 showed up, three of them, and they didn't waste time in taking action. "Quit thinking of the past and focus on what you can do in the future or even now. You've gotten stronger despite that healing wound of yours and you've managed to learn some good techniques while keeping some of them a secret just in case," Eun said. Ara winced at the mentioning of her nearly fatal wound. The Code:Track_01 had done it to her. She was frantic with her movements at the time and had successfully outmaneuvered two of them only for the last one to back up and slash her with its merciless blade.

She had been trying to reach Add for he had been stolen from her once more. If Owen had not been there to defend her and the Crow Mercenaries hadn't already been there to help them escape, Ara might have died. "Eun, it's been almost a week now. Proto won't tell us where he is and she already can't be trusted. What if she's lying about Add still being alive?" Ara quietly said. "What did I tell you aboit thinking like that! Don't make me take over and force you to reflect on happier thoughts. I still have plently more memories that I can show you," Eun scolded.

Ara sighed. She was feeling pretty bad about everything and truly wanted to save Add and just go home. Raven and his group had started to become even shadier and Ara had experienced a couple more assassination attempts but never had any proof that it was Raven's group's doing. So far, Ara had gone on every mission that Raven and his team went on which was every day since Ara was rescued. The first was a rescue attempt for Add which failed horribly. The second was an investigation of the underground city's electrical borders that Raven said should hide the underground city from the nasods in the Code: Track_01 prototype group.

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