Part 7

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Laila-woke up and got dress to go to school took a shower and put on all grey outfit

Laila-walk down stairs and got some orange juice and a apple and left she got into her car and drove to school trying to look for Jalen but she didn't and she was late for school

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Laila-walk down stairs and got some orange juice and a apple and left she got into her car and drove to school trying to look for Jalen but she didn't and she was late for school..
when she got to school she went to class-
Aniya- hey lai
Laila- hey
Aniya- I called u why u didn't answer ?
Laila- my ma took my phone
Aniya- why
Laila- long story..
Aniya-ohh so how was u and Jalen doing?
Laila- alright why
Aniya- just asking
Laila- tears stared falling down my face and I wipe them away I got out my seat and ran to the bathroom everybody was staring..
Aniya- ran too the bathroom too Laila where you going ?
Laila- home
Aniya- why Laila what happen I'm your best friend let me know so I can help
Laila- ran out and went to her car and drove home
Aniya- ran back to class
Laila- went home just to see her mom was at home she put her car in the back and just went in the house and ran up to her room it was 10:45 so if she didn't come up here for 4 hours I'll be okay
Ciara- rush out the house and got into her car
Laila- ran down stairs in my mom room to try to get my phone I looked everywhere and couldn't find it but I looked under the bed and found a safe and it was lock so I use something to unlock it and there was my phone..
Laila- saw she had 17 messages from Jalen and 12 missed calls from Jalen and 5 missed calls from Aniya and 3 messages from Aniya and more from other people I called Jalen and he didn't answer
Laila- I texted him bout 10 times and he didn't answer and look on my location and so I went to get in my car to go to that location
Laila- got into my car and drove 1 hr there..

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