Part 24

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Jalen- damn what the fuck I just do ima just sleep to get my mind off this shit.
Next morning..
Aniya- Gm Lai
Laila- what time is it ?
Aniya- 11 am
Laila- I miss waking up to a kiss and sex !
Aniya- Lai don't start this today we was just good yesterday
Laila- u got any waffles ?
Aniya- no but I got bacon
Laila- ugh I'll just eat later
Aniya- you sure ?
Laila- yes *checking my phone seeing if I have any messages from Jalen
Laila- Niya I cant do this !! All this shit stuck in my head
Aniya- Lai u need so air we finna have a best friend day to get all this out your head okay so hurry and take a shower and get dress
Laila- Niya I just wanna lay down all day and cry my eyes out to get over him
Aniya- no Laila cmon now I'm bored to and I have money so I'll pay but you gotta owe me back
Laila-ugh fine where we going?
Aniya- it's a surprise !
Laila- ugh well I'm finna get back In bed if you don't tell me.
Aniya- you no fucking fun damn we going to go get our nails did and go to the mall and out to eat
Laila- okay
Aniya- get ready !
Laila- I am damn
Laila put on this white bodysuit with black pants and black and white vans and Aniya put on this red crop top with bluejeans and red Jordan's 12.
Laila- my sister should come to
Aniya- fine with me
Laila- okay i called my sister Ryan
Ryan- hello ?
Laila- Wya ?
Ryan- home why ?
Laila- hurry and take a shower and put on some clothes remember we was going out but Aniya coming to
Ryan- yay okay but I have no money
Laila- asked mom 
Ryan - okay
Laila- we on our way okay so hurry up
Ryan- okay
Laila- we outside
Ryan- I'm coming
Laila- okay *i hung up
Ryan had on this white and black shirt with bluejeans and black and white vans.
Ryan- hey Lai and Aniya
Laila and Aniya- hey Ryan
Ryan- where we going ?
Aniya- nail salon mall and out to eat
Laila- how much money momma gave you ?
Ryan- $40
Laila- okay
Later that day..
Laila- today was fun !
Ryan- ya I love my nails
Aniya- right and the food was bomb !
Ryan- period !
Aniya- what you no about period ? -she laughs
Laila- right
Ryan- you and everybody say that at school
Laila- you better not be
Ryan- yes I am * she laughs
Aniya- you still asking her today ?
Laila- yes
Aniya- okay
At Ryan house..
-we all got out the car..
Ryan- where y'all going ?
Laila- we cant say hey ?
Ryan- yes bu-
Laila- just be quit
I knocked on the door..
Ciara- ohh hey
Laila- hey mom
Aniya- hey
Laila- can I come in ?
Ciara- I guess
Laila- I have to ask you something
Ciara- what ?
Laila- me and Jalen broke up he cheated on me with this girl and I was wondering if I could come back ?
Ciara- because yo ass don't got no where to stay?
Laila- I do but I really miss you mom and Ryan I love y'all from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry i know I was too fast with life and I promise I won't do it again please ma..
Ciara- Lai I love you to you can come back but promise me to never act so fast or get a boyfriend that's way older than you.
Laila- ma I promise
Ryan- yay ! Laila back
Laila- I laugh

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