Part 8

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Pulls up at the place -
Laila- get out the car and knocks on the door
Unknown- opens the door who are you?
Laila- I'm one of Jalen friends is he here ?
Unknown- yah you look a lil young for him but damn you fine
Laila - thanks but can I come in
Unknown- ya he over there on the couch Jalen somebody here for you
I walk in and that boy slap my booty and I look back
Jalen- wall to the door to see me standing there
Jalen- what you doing here ?
Laila- I wanted to see you u didn't answer my call or text messages so I wanted to see if you was okay
Jalen- laugh ya I'm alright wbu ur ma was really mad yesterday she didn't beat you or nun ?
Laila- I'm fine can I stay with u for a while ?
Jalen-ya make yourself comfortable
Laila -this ur place ?
Jalen- ya
Laila- it's big
Jalen- ik
Unknown- so like who is this girl?
Jalen- this Laila y'all she 16 and please don't try to do nun stupid
Everybody - looked wassup Laila
Laila- hey .. Jalen can I go lay down in your bed?
Jalen- yah follow me
Laila- okay
Follows him-
Jalen- this it
Laila- thanks baby kisses Him
Jalen- np baby call me if you need anything else
Laila - okay
And I fell asleep- 6 hours later I woke up
Jalen- u up ??
Laila- ya lol was I snoring ?
Jalen- a lil bit
Laila-sorry where's your friends?
Jalen- they gone
I check my phone -
Laila- shit it's 10:23pm I needa go !
Jalen- baby no stay tonight it's a Friday and tomorrow we got our date remember
Laila- I cant my ma gone be pissed
Jalen- Laila cmon she ain't gon know u with me so you save
Laila-ugh fine I'm hungry
Jalen- u wanna go get something to eat ?
Laila - ya I want Wendy's
Jalen- okay uk you gotta get up right
He pulled me off the bed-
Laila -ughh I was warm
Jalen- yah ik my bed warm and relaxing
Laila - shutup and just take me
Jalen- alright cmon lets go
Laila- okay
And we went in my car -

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