I stopped in the middle of my sentence, looking at the man of my dreams as I turned around."Shrek?" I managed to whisper as the big, green beast caressed my hair. "Yes, it is I" Said the handsome looking green bean headed ogre.
"Uh not you. I was talking bout that ZaddY behind you" I scoffed as I pushed the ugly beast out of my way. The ogre then tried to grab my arm. "Daddy chill" I whimpered as tears streamed down my rosy cheeks, with freckles speckled all around them. I ran towards the handsome looking devil known as "Larry The Lobster" and hugged his sweet, buttery crab-like arm.
"Oh heya babe" he whispered to me in a warm voice that sent chills down my spine.
"Larry!" I exclaimed not believing he was actually in my presence. "I've been waiting for so long to do this" I add finishing her sentence then kissing his rough yellow cracked lips. I stopped for a second. I asked herself why his lips are yellow, but quickly dismiss the idea. Out of nowhere an unfamiliar yellow square appears in the distance as we begin meshing our lips with one another. The yellow quadrilateral begins to waddle faster towards us. "W-what the hell is going on here?..." the yellow sponge shouts in frustration as tears begin to form in his eyes. Silence. Larry then speaks up
"Babe I swear it's not what you think! She kissed me" he tried to defend himself. What a jerk.
"Oh yeah Larr Bear? Is that why both your lips fit together perfectly huh?! I can't believe you. We're finished! Go have that nasty girl. I'll be with Patrick!" Spongebob says as he spits and flings krabby patties with his long spatula on me and Larry.
"I'm sorry to intrude but that was some good sh-" Shrek said, watching the whole spectacle unfold. Out of nowhere, an incompetent, illiterate, ignorant little pink scoundrel appearded and cut Shrek off.
"SHREK SHREK! LETS RUN AWAY TOGETHER!" He proceeded to take shrek by the slimy, onion smelling hand and drag him away from spongebob. Shrek quickly complied. Larry couldn't believe his eyes. He was speechless. They had left his bb-boi all alone. He loved him but not as much as he loved me obviously. Spongebob couldn't take it anymore. Spongebob stepped out his grave and saw Romeo laying next to him. He noticed Romeo had drank poison, thinking Spongebob was deceased. Spongebob grabbed his knife and stabbed himself, his spongy skin ripping with ease. The Capulets and the Montagues found them deceased together. They were cremated and turned into ceiling fans and cheap jewelry.
Lovers from Other Mother's (womb)
FanfictionShrek x anime girl x spongebob x Larry the lobster x Patrick