9 ~Teacher

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Midoriya buried himself deep into the thick blanket on top of his new bed. The storm still couldn't block out all the yelling going on downstairs between two annoyed blondes. Izuku couldn't decipher what they were saying but it had something to do with the blind boy. He tried to cover his ears, the whole situation was just too much sometimes for the small greenette to handle. His mother would have soothed him with her words, telling him that everything was going to be alright and there was nothing to fear. Izuku cried knowing that would never happen again. Midoriya sat alone in his dark, lightless world under the blanket as he sniffled--hidden away from the world.
Well, the world except for Katsuki. The blond had stopped yelling at his mother for insignificant things. The truth was that the boy was scared--scared for his new roommate and the feelings he had for him. Ever since his visit to the hospital, Bakugou had changed. He had remembered the guilt he felt for bullying the small greenette, the friendship they had once had. Katsuki felt he owed so much to the blind boy living in their spare bedroom, almost as if he had caused all of this to happen to Midoriya. 
Bakugou walked up the stairs slowly, each breath was another step. He looked down the corridor, half expecting his late father to greet him with a smile--but that was never going to happen again. The blond slapped himself out of the thought before walking down the ghostly-cold hallway. Amongst the heavy rain, it would be hard for somebody to notice small sniffles and low cries from a closed-off bedroom, but the blond noticed. The soft cries almost sounded like a dying doe amongst the loud claps of thunder around the house. Katsuki quickly reached for the door handle before pausing. Hesitation filled his mind. He decided not to be brash, to remain calm and collected. 'It's what he needs right now..' The scarlet-eyed boy thought as he gently knocked before creaking open the door. 
The sight in front of him pulled tightly at his heartstrings.
Midoriya was hidden under Katsuki's old quilt, shaking and closed off. He was barely recognizable other than the tuff of green curls sticking out in the dark room. The seeing boy walked over to the blinds' side, sitting next to him carefully. 
"Deku..? What's wrong..?" He knew full well what was wrong. Bakugou had lost his father--he knew the pain of loss. 
The only response was a small sniffle and a small movement from under the quilt. Bakugou looked at him for a minute, unsure of what to do but knowing that he needed to do something. The blonde began to rub small circles into what he assumed to be the hidden ones back, trying his best to soothe him. Slowly the sniffles stopped, however, the body under the quilt did not leave its warm hiding spot. 
"Deku.. Would you please come out? I think you'd feel better if you'd talk.." No response. 
Bakugou sighed, trying not to get frustrated and shout at Izuku. Katsuki continued to try and lure Izuku with his words to no avail. He let out an angered sigh after ten minutes before getting up and going into his room for a moment. Midoriya whined a little at the loss of comfort at his side but stayed in his comfy quilt-world.  
Izuku looked up a little as he heard Katsuki re-enter the room and sit down with something in his hands. The sound of a sweet, old acoustic guitar filled the room as the blond began to sing softly. 
"I'm in love, with the world"
his voice was deep, filled with an almost wood-like sound that matched perfectly with the instrument.
"Through the eyes of a girl.."
 Izuku smiled slightly, never having heard the song before. 

"Who's still there, the morning after.."
Katsuki's hands strummed perfectly in tune with his voice. 

"We broke up, a month ago, and I grew up - I didn't know.." 
Midoriya tried to hum along to the melody. 

"I'd be around the morning after.."
Bakugou's instrument took the center stage now, playing a nice, complex melody. 

"It's always been wait and see, a happy day and then you pay, and feel like shit the morning after..." 
Midoriya began to nestle his way out of the shield he had built to hear his counterparts voice more clearly. 

"But now I feel changed around, and instead of falling down. I'm standing up the morning after..."
Midoriya had now fully immersed from the quilt. Katsuki kept singing, the blind completely ingrossed. Bakugou's scarlet eyes focused intensely on the fine wood guitar. 

"Situations get fucked up and turned around sooner or later. I could be another fool or an exception to the rule. You tell me, the morning after..." A little pain seemed to enter into the song. 

"Crooked spine can't come to rest, I'm damaged bad at best. She'll decide what she wants now, I'll probably be the last to know.
No-one says until it shows, and you see how it is. They want you or they don't.
Katsuki's voice seemed to crack a little. 

The blond sighed slightly, forgetting his audience. 
"I'm in love, with the world. 
Through the eyes, of a girl. 
A girl who's still around, the morning after.

The final chord played solemnly. 

Midoriya slowly started clapping his hands, snatching the blondes attention. His expression immediately brightened by seeing the boy who had emerged from his fort. 
"Kacchan, I didn't know you played." Izuku's voice was still a little shaky from his sobs. 
Bakugou cleared his throat as he blushed a little, "I thought that would make you come out."
Midoriya giggled a little, "Fine, I'm gay." He said, half joking. 
Bakugou turned his face as he blushed, "Ha, gay huh?" The blond tried not to stutter. 
Midoriya laughed. His laugh was like an innocent little kid, not like the laugh of somebody who had seen death. 

"So.. If I may, when did you start playing?" Izuku tried to look in the direction of the blond. 
"Uh, I think since I was 10." 
"Jeez, you're really good!" Bakugou blushed. 
"You know, when you're able to see again I'll teach you."
Izuku cocked his head, completely confused, "What do you mean...?"
"Well, I heard about this operation, kind of like a transplant, where a patient receives new eyes or has their eyes reconstructed. I've been researching it for you since the experiments began..." Bakugou trailed off.

Midoriya smiled, "Thank you. When I can see, I want to be able to play as good as you."
Katsuki scoffed, "Well I am a damn good teacher."


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