The betrayel

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Danielle woke from her sleep early that morning by her father speaking to a man she had never seen before. She threw on some clothes and moved quietly down the hall towards the front door. "I don't have enough money to pay you right now" her father said "just wai.." he started to say but the strange man cut him off "I need my money now so if you cant pay me by money you can pay by giving me something equal to the amount you owe" the man paused for a minute taking in a breath "you have two daughters one would pay the bill" her father flinched " I wont give them away" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, at least now she new he wouldn't give them up. Danielle walked away towards the kitchen not caring what they talked about after that. They would find a way, they always did. Kennedy her little sister came into the kitchen "morning" she said "good morning" I replied "who is dad talking to?" she asked me "some guy we owe money" I replied she moved towards the cupboards and got herself a piece of bread, right then their father came into the room she couldn't quite read his face but she could tell something was wrong "Danielle follow me" he said in a matter of fact tone and walked back towards the front door, she did as she was told and followed him. They walked outside and she saw the man that had been talking to her father about payment and a large wagon behind him a black man that probably was his slave sat on the drivers seat. "What are we giving him?" she questioned her father, he didn't answer but his face was grave as they continued to walk until they both stood beside the wagon "will this do?" my father asked, all expression was gone, the man who had gone to sit beside his 'slave' looked me over thoroughly and nodded. "Will what do? What's going on?" she looked to her father for an explanation putting on her stern face to get an answer. Pain and regret lit his face when the mans tone sharpened and said "Niger!! Put her in the wagon!!" Her father gave her a small hug and turned to walk away, Danielle started to follow him but an arm wrapped around her thin waist and lifted her off the ground. She screamed in protest and started fighting to the best of her ability "let me go!! Dad help me!" he, her once loving and compassionate father, did not even turn around "DADDY" she screamed as loud as her lungs would allow, tears started pouring from her eyes, how could he do this to her? Rage had now replaced her sadness and fear while she turned her attention to her captor "No!" she yelled "Put me down!!" she squirmed and wriggled around to try to get away but the man's slave was surprisingly strong and didn't budge even as he placed her down in the back of the wagon and tied a rope around her hands and waist so she couldn't escape "NO!!" She heard someone screech from the direction of her house, tears were falling off Danielle's cheeks now when she realized the scream was from her sister Kennedy. A new will to escape kicked in and with once last desperate attempt to break free she pulled and tugged at the tight ropes but the man which she now hated very much was tired of her seemingly endless struggles and as if with no feelings in his heart he grabbed a thick branch pulled it free and brought it down hard on her head, the last thing she saw was her father holding back a sobbing Kennedy before everything went black.

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