Chapter 9

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It was the day of the October feast. We still had class, which I thought was a terrible idea. I decided to skip all my classes today.

I got dressed in a Slytherin quidditch sweatshirt and some blue frayed jeans.

I walked out of the Great hall with a bunch of blueberries, lettuce and bacon. First I would stop by my room and feed Oreo, then go to the Cerberus and give him some food (like three pieces of bacon would do anything though), and then after that I would explore the forbidden forest with the rest of the food. Hopefully Hagrid wouldn't see me when I got there.

Walking up the stairs to the third floor, I made sure I looked out for Filtch and his cat, Mrs. Norris, nobody liked them but I thought they were just doing their jobs, even though some of the things Filtch says is pretty gruesome and down right mean. When I got to the door I tried to open it first and it was unlocked this time. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "Hey boy, you hungry?" I asked taking out the bacon. I had been visiting the Cerberus at least once a week since the first time I met him. He sort of wagged his tail while I sat the bacon down humming a simple tune of notes going up and down the scale. After petting him on all three of his heads I sat down beside him and leaned on his side. I told him stories and about how my week had been. He listened without judging and I was able to talk my heart out without feeling like I was weak. He was the best company someone could get around here. Especially if both Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter hated you. "At least it's better than never being outside this room huh boy?" I asked scratching his fur. I heard the lunch bell ring and got up. "I guess I better go. Don't want to miss lunch. See you next time." I said opening the door. He gave a little growl in response and I slipped out.

I sat at the Slytherin table down at the end. Blaise sat with me but I still caught him looking over at the rest of his friends with sorrow. "Just go Blaise. If you don't then your just gonna keep on eyeing the spot next to Pansy and later you're going to be lectured." I finally said. He looked surprised as he stumbled to look for the words to say. "I-I-I don't want to be over there. I'm surprised Pansy even wants to be over there. Even if Draco meant his apology or not. I'm staying right here with you." He said. I sighed. "Fine." I answered. I didn't feel like arguing. "So where have you been all day?" Blaise asked. "Nowhere." I answered getting up. "Where are you going now?" He asked. "Somewhere. I'll be back for dinner and that's all you need to know." I said looking at him. "Why won't you talk to me? We've been friends since the year started and here lately you've been distant. I want to help you but I don't know how." Blaise said. I looked at him and sighed, sitting back down. "Since the beginning of the year I've been exploring the castle and now I'm going to the forbidden forest." I whispered hoping no one would hear. Specifically a certain blonde that's just waiting for me to step out of line. "Bloody!" He started, I threw my hand over his mouth. "Shut it Zabini!" I whispered urgently looking around. No one was looking and those who did looked away. I heard him start talking under my hand. His muffled whispers unabled to be made out into actual words. I slowly removed my hand. "Didn't you hear Dumbledore? It's dangerous there." He warned. "I'll be fine. I'm bringing blueberries with me to feed them." I said proud of myself. "What about the ones that don't eat berries? What if you get cought by Mrs. Norris or worse Filtch?" Zabini said concerned. I picked up some tuna from my tuna sandwich and ham from the middle of the table. "There, ham for the meat eaters, fish for Mrs. Norris, and if Filtch sees me then I run. That's when you pray for me." I said smiling. I know I won this. Blaise didn't look happy with the outcome either. "Fine, but I'm not praying. If you get caught then I hope Filtch gives you the worst punishment imaginable." He said with a mean look in his eye. I stood with the food and left.

Walking through the halls I could hear Filtch's cat meowing ahead of me. I was almost to the doors. Then she was right in front of me. "Shit. Hey Mrs. Norris." I greeted sweetly pulling out the tuna and setting it down. Almost immediately she started eating it without calling for her master. "See, you're not all bad. Actually you're sweet and have soft fur. Who would've known?" I petted her a little bit and then ran. Running through the doors and then the field between the castle and forest. When I reached the tree line I hide behind a tree to breath. I really am paranoid. I look back to the castle in case someone saw me. The grounds were clear.

Riddle Me This: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now