Chapter 14

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Me and Draco was back in the Slytherin common room. Neither one of us could sleep. I made us some hot coco and sat on the sofa in front of the fire.

"Voldemort is back." I crushed the silence. He shot me a curious shocked look.

"What? No he's not." He denied.

"Who else would need to feed on unicorn blood. Plus the feeling I got when he flew toward me and Apollo. I felt like I was dying. By just being in his presence. It's him and he wants something here." I explained.

"That's rubbish. We all know Potter magically killed You-Know-Who ten years ago. Potter even has the scar to prove it." He said.

"That's why he needs the blood and the stone." I looked at Draco.

"Fine then. Before Potter and his half brain friends do it, let's go find this stone of yours." Draco said.

I yawned. "No, I have a better idea. I'm going to bed before you can come up with another clever idea to get us both expelled, or worse, dead!" I said getting up and going to the stairs.

"C'mon, Lucinda. You're the one that brought it up." He said.

"Yes, because I wanted to give you an explanation not an idea. You're not very good at those." I walked up the stairs to bed. It was late and I needed sleep.

I walked through the door on the third floor. Rushing to Buddy, Duke, and Chip's room. "Alohamora." I unlocked the door, except it was a voice a bit deeper than mine. Now that I notice it, I'm also taller. I set up a self playing harp to put the Cerberus to sleep before reaching for the trap door underneath. "The stone is mine." Another raspy voice said.

I woke up panic stricken. Something about my dream last night wasn't right. A name clicked into my head. Quirrel. Was that him? Was Quirrel, Voldemort? That was weird but it would explain a few details.

"Yeah I just feel weird. After everything that's happened, I don't know." I explained to Blaise at breakfast. He deserved to know about Voldemort and the centaurs.

"Don't worry about it. It's probably nothing. But you have lots to worry about with exams coming up. Promise me, no more sneaking around until after exams." He said hinting at my many disappearances. He held out his pinky.

"Yeah, yeah. I promise. Exams first, stopping Voldemort later." I crossed my pinky over his.


"Those weren't too hard." I said walking away from my last exam.

"Yeah right. You were the last to finish." Blaise laughed.

"I'll have you know. I was taking my time. I want to beat the Gryffindor princess this year. Show her who the smartest really looks like. That Know-It-All will be infuriated!" I laughed evilly.

"I still question why you would even bother with a girl of her status." Blaise shook his head.

"It's fun. Almost like mental torture. Besides she started it. She made fun of our house right to my face." I said.

He just rolled his eyes and followed me. We strolled past the three who looked like they were planning something.

"Dumbledore isn't here." I heard Hermione say to Ron and Harry.

That's the perfect time. Tonight is when Voldemort will strike.


It was the middle of the night. I got dressed quickly in hopes to stop Voldemort. I looked to the drawer where the potions were and reluctantly grabbed a few. I had a strong feeling I'd need one for something. I ran out the common room and through the halls to the 3rd floor. I was almost there when I heard the corridor door open and close. I quickly took shelter in hopes it was not Filtch or Mrs. Norris. I watched the three headed dogs door open but nothing was there until they appeared. Harry, Ron and Hermione. What are they doing? Are the Gryffindors helping Voldemort. No. Harry has already defeated him once and Hermione is a muggle- born. Not even Voldemort would stoop so low. There was a harp playing inside the room and I stepped forward. I guess they stumbled upon clues too.

Riddle Me This: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now