Chapter 12

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Christmas. I had decided to spend my break at Hogwarts, I was one of the few Slytherins who did. "I do wish I could take you with me." Pansy commented as she packed the rest of her stuff.

"Me too, Pansy. I would've totally loved to stay at your place." I said sarcastically. She huffed and left the room.

I stayed in bed that day then when I knew everyone would be asleep I walked the halls. I passed by the potions room when I heard two voices.

"You should choose wisely on who's side you're on. If you are helping-" I leaned closer to hear better and accidentally pushed the door a bit. When Snape stopped talking I ran. He knew someone had been listening. Helping who though? Who was the other person? Was Snape talking to Quirrel?

I hid in a room with only a mirror. When I looked in the mirror not only did I see myself but I also saw my mother, father, and Callie. We were happy. Soon enough more people filled it. There was Aunt Bella and a guy with black hair about Bella's age. He sort of glared at her but stayed nice then more and more faces appeared. "Is this my family? What type of magic is this mirror?" I asked looking around me. One by one I saw little scenes. Father being nice and sober. The man with the black hair protecting me. Bellatrix teaching me spells and curses. Then my mother. She was singing, it was a lullaby she used to sing to me when the angry people outside got too loud. They were always there, screaming at us to leave their town. That's how she died. After she came home with baby Callie we were ran out of our home. It burned in the process. She told me to take Callie and run. When I heard the screams I spun around to see her being tied to a stake and set on fire. My father unfortunately got away. We went somewhere new and this time he didn't let us so much as look outside. I cried and softly touched the mirror. Her hand touched the same spot with a soft smile. "I wish you were here so much. You would've loved how Callie turned out and me." I whispered to her.

Sometime later I found myself in my bed with a note next to me.

Next time don't sneak out. Meet me in my office after breakfast.

Signed by Dumbledore.

Oh no. I fell asleep in the mirror room and got caught. I quickly got ready and washed my face. I grabbed a bottle of eyedroppes Pansy left and used them. They would help with the crying. I left for the Cerberus room instead of breakfast. I named him two weeks ago because I felt bad for calling him the Cerberus. "Hey Buddy, Duke, Chip, how are you?" Yep, I named each head. They lifted their heads slightly to look up before putting them back. "Yeah me too guys. Look, I might not be back, ever. I have been caught breaking the rules.

"So you've discovered the mirror of Erised. This mirror only shows your deepest most desperate desires of our heart. This mirror gives you neither knowledge nor truth. In a few days it'll go somewhere else. So I warn you, don't go looking for it. It is a dangerous path." Dumbledore said to me. I looked around his office as he spoke. It was like a museum but actually interesting.

"I desperately want my family, I want to know who they are and what they do." I said staring at the ground.

"Don't be embarrassed of that desire. Plenty wish for that, why can't you. I must say, do be careful what you wish for. You might just find something you don't want." Dumbledore warned.

"Like what Headmaster?" I asked. "What could I find?"

"Please, go have fun, we'll finish this later." He said handing me some candy. "Go on now."

I spent Christmas alone and didn't bother to try to talk to anyone either. Well, anyone except the Weasleys. They had a knack for trying to pranking me. Probably because I hadn't been caught in one of their tricks yet. After the Christmas dinner I went to my common room to see one present left under the tree. Curiosity got the best of me, so I took a quick look.

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