1. McSneezies On Your Yeezies

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"Ticket please."

   The earbud hung awkwardly off one ear. It's blaring lyrics spilling out loud enough for the driver to roll his eyes, as he held the door open with a lever.

   I handed over my bus token, hopping into the closest space to the front. The middle and beyond were all taken, those who didn't want to share simply stood with iron grips on the hand bars. As small as our town was, today was lively, streets almost overpopulated with food traffic and conversation Normally the lack of space would be uncomfortable. But this crowd had me drumming my hands against the jean of my pants; inaudibly humming a tune and scanning the people

   The unwashed, blurry windows were a plasma screen to the bustle of the streets and sidewalks. A wave of nostalgia crashed into me as familiar shop colors flew by along our route. A restaurant we'd gotten a birthday couple for, an elderly couple is definitely sold half my supply of Ninja Scout cookies to back in middle school. The bus rocked, brakes squealing. The many bodies had me itching to tug my collar, breeze just a glass pane away. As much as I missed the circulated A/C of classrooms, it felt good being back home.

It felt even better trying out for the talent show.

   Literally, what else could I have been able to think about? Ninjago was having another one of its annual contests, brought to you by archaeologist adventurer, Clutch Powers. Winner takes all, a $5,000 cash prize and the title of Blade Cup winner! That is until next year.

   Most of the performers were amateurs and last minute entires, high schoolers looking for something to do(no beef, I have my own share of zebra costume clad talent show photos in the back of my camera roll). A couple of groups though, they were some real competition. Especially since this time, I was going in as a solo act. I'd been surprised to not see the Royal Blacksmiths at the very top of the sign in sheet when I turned in my application, sealing the deal with a ballpoint pen on the roster. They were a acapella group of older gentlemen; with a pep in their step and a slick fashion sense. They're here every year and have the most wins in town.

   I could understand at least after hearing around town that Lou twisted his ankle the wrong way. Even more interesting to find was The Royal Blacksmiths written at the very bottom in a—much more illegible-- teenage handwriting. They must have passed down the name to what I assume to be their kids, some hidden talent. Whoever it is, I'm not afraid of a little challenge.

They better bring it.

   The ride to the theater had been zoned out. It's route memorized to not need to glance up at every stop anymore. The whines of the brakes tugged me back down to collect my bag and stand. With a wave, skip and a jump, the crisp winds of midday greeted us exiting passengers.

   The building itself was wider than it was tall, though it didn't lack there either. White brick with a red roof. One of those round about driveways and it's own billboard, advertising the staring talent show. People already lining up down the sidewalk from the front entrance teller booth to buy seating tickets. I couldn't suppress the grin. This was a good turn out. A giddy moment that fueled a harder drive. Oncoming pedestrians meant j couldn't stay and ogle, but the moment was highly appreciated.

   I went around to a side door that we had previously been instructed to use for quick access to the backstage. My duffle bag bounced against my hip all the way. I blinked hard, adjusting from the bright sun to the far up fluorescent stage lights. Air thick with the smell of curtains, floor polish and costume jewelry. I and about 20 others were in the middle of an open set behind the thick red stage curtains, more than enough room to stay out of each other's way. There were bathrooms to the back and a dressing room off to the left. I loitered for a moment, checking for any familiar faces and finding none. That's fine, most of my schoolmates moved out from what I remember. Doubt anyone's parents would be trekking out here. I turned down the reverberating music still playing in my air, making my way towards that dressing room.

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