Chapter 15: the battle begins

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The author VCJB242 does not own my little pony or Equestria Girls.

We're finally at the part where Everyone is going to fight Tirek. I would just write the mane 6 but there is a lot more than just 6 people fighting Tirek.

"One more push should do it!" Yelled Dr. Who as Fluttershy let out one last push and her baby was finally out.
"It's a girl!" He handed the baby to a nurse who cleaned her off and weighed her.

She had grey skin like Discord and pink hair like Fluttershy. When she opened her eyes they were the same turquoise color as her mother's.

"What will you name her?" Asked Zephyr who had recently came into the room after he was bored with the waiting room.

"Cotton candy." Said Fluttershy without missing a beat. Discord smiled and reached a hand towards his daughter. She smiled and wrapped her little hands around his finger.

"Awww!" Said Zephyr as he took a picture with his phone.

Just then, the lights began to flicker and they could hear the battle going on outside.

"What on earth is going on out there?" Asked Mrs. Shy as she held onto her husband in fear.

"Oh, it's probs your friends going to fight that Tirek guy who came here to f*ck sh*t up." Said Zephyr as if he was talking about the weather.

They heard screaming.

"I don't know what's going on but I'm calling the police." Said Mr. Shy as he took out his phone.

"Dad, no. I should have told you about that too." Fluttershy handed Cotton candy over to Zephyr. "Hold my baby. I have to help my friends." She grabbed Discord by the hand and dragged him to the waiting room window.

"Where are you going?" Asked Mr. Shy in confusion and anger.

"Discord, maybe with the power of two of you we can defeat Tirek." Said Fluttershy as she prepared to fight.

"This is crazy talk. Flutters, you literally just gave birth." Said Zephyr as he tried to make her see reason.

Just then, the window exploded into several glass shards. Before any of the shards could reach them, a blue shield protected them from the debris.

"Are you darlings alright?" Asked Rarity as she flew up to the window with her magical keytar activating her powers.

"We're fine but I need to join the battle." Said Fluttershy as her parents, brother and newborn looked at her in awe and wonder. Most of it was confusion. Fluttershy was still sweaty and in a hospital gown.

"Pinkie Pie said that you would. She also told me that you would need this." She quickly took out a tambourine from her large purse and threw it at Fluttershy who caught it with ease. After tapping out a rhythym Fluttershys hospital gown became a flowing white gown that looked rather ethereal. Discord snapped his fingers and grew mismatched wings and horns. This time her family was quite shocked. Here their daughter looked like a real angel while their in law looked like the devil incarnate.

Holding hands, they both flew out the window to join in the battle.

Mr. Shy turned to Zephyr. "Did you know they could do that?" He asked with a look of utter confusion.

"No, and I'm just as shocked as you are. But you have to admit, that was kind of cool to watch." Said Zephyr as Cotton candy began to play with his beard. She tugged it a little too harshly.

"Ow!" Exclaimed Zephyr as he almost dropped his niece as he pulled her away from his face and held her at arm length.

He did it a little too abruptly and her blanket came off, exposing her little baby tushie to everyone in the room.

"Oh, I hope they're alright." Said Mrs. Shy as she looked out the window.


The battle started off with Tirek summoning his minions of darkness. Even with all the chaos going on Luna and Mane-iac managed to move the unconscious forms of human Twilight and Sunset out of harms way. They would have taken them into the hospital but there was no time. They needed to help out their friends if they wanted to stop Tirek.

"Ugh!" Exclaimed pony Rainbow Dash as she kicked at a minion that tried to attack her human counterpart. "I wonder where Cozy Glow ended up?" She asked out loud causing the humans to be super confused.

In the meantime..

She tried to follow Tirek through the portal to the human world. The only downside was her age. As soon as she crossed over and tried to locate him by walking along a road a police car stopped right beside her.

The passenger officer stepped out of the vehicle. "Are you lost little girl?" He asked her in a baby voice as he bent down to her level.

She knew that she would have to play innocent if she wanted this annoying creature to leave her alone.

"I got separated from my daddy. I was just on my way to look for him." She looked up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.

"Well, we can help you look for him. Just hop in the back and we can take you to the station." Said the officer in that same baby voice.

"T-that won't be necessary. I can handle it on my own." She said in her normal voice all cuteness gone.

The police officer glared at her. "Alright little miss runaway. You want to do this the hard way we'll do it the hard way." He said in an angry time. He all but grabbed her arm and practically threw her into the back.

"I'm so sick of all these foster kids thinking that running away will solve all of life's problems. You think your daddy is coming back? Think again."

Cozy Glow was cozy gone. They were sending her to an orphanage since it was late at night. It was then she realized she had no power here. These humans weren't swayed by her cuteness or her charm. This was going to be a problem.

Back to the fight.

Human Fluttershy and Discord held hands and combined their powers to shoot a beam of pink and grey energy at another minion. Their pony world counterparts were in awe by how much they fought as a true power couple. Tirek himself was battling Pony Twilight. Everyone else was busy battling these minions of darkness.

"You foolish pony! You think you can defeat me? Your powers are more limited in this world. You're more weaker than me all by yourself." He managed to scratch her left cheek deeply. That was going to leave a nasty scar.

Twilight smiled back at him. "You're right Tirek, my magic is limited in this world but I'm not by myself at all. Is everyone ready?"

Every other group member nodded and began to join hands. It was a big group. It was: Princess pony Twilight sparkle, Discord Draconequus, pony Fluttershy, pony Pinkie Pie, Pony Rarity, pony Rainbow Dash, pony Applejack, Pony Sunset Shimmer, human Fluttershy, human Discord, human Applejack, human Pinkie Pie, human Rarity, human Rainbow Dash, human Applejack, Luna, Chrysalis, Mane-iac, Sonata, Adagio, Aria, Ahuizotl, Sombra and surprisingly even Chrysalis' girlfriend Flufflepuff. Human Sunset Shimmer and human Twilight were still out cold. The large group joined hands and began to hum in harmony. The women's clothes all changed to ethereal white gowns and the men's clothing changed to white suits.

"What do these clothes mean?" Asked Ahuizotl as he looked down at his new clothes.

"They are temporary. It just means that tonight you fight on our side." Said human Rarity.

"Does this make us even?" Asked Aria.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Said pony Twilight with a new sense of security.

To be continued. anyone else getting confused having to read about the girls fighting with their pony counterparts there or is it just me? Thank you for reading. See you in the next chapter.

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