Chapter 16: Battle of magic

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The author VCJB242 does not own my little pony or Equestria Girls

Wow..I can't believe this fanfic is almost over. Are you guys excited for the last chapters to be written?.

Tirek sent out more minions of darkness to fight the group.

Twilight tried to hit Tirek directly but narrowly missed him by a few inches.

"Did you really think that your puny powers could stop me? I have drained most if not all the magic from Equestria. I don't even need to transform my body in order for it to work like you do. I already have the magic from 4 of the 5 princesses." He smiled devilishly at the group. Everyone gasped. Twilight looked equally shocked as she was pissed.

"You don't mean...?" She began to say but he cut her off.

"I do mean. Your niece's magic was such a treat. Too bad your brother didn't have more children. I'm sure they would have been just as fun to kill." He teased her.

"YOU BASTARD!" Screamed Pony princess Twilight. The elements of chaos were shocked at her outburst but she managed to calm down enough to keep going. The other pony people had yet to tell her that her family was alive and well.

"Uh actually Twilight, your family is alive and well. Well your brother and his family are. We have no idea about your parents." Said Pony Rainbow Dash with a bit of sadness. All of her friends knew about how much she missed her family.

Twilight then realized something. Even if she managed to defeat Tirek and get back to her dimension along with her pony friends that did not mean things would be the same.

"Guys, we need to figure out who has the strongest magic here." Said Pony princess Twilight. "Only then can we hope to defeat Tirek." Everyone else had broken the circle and continued to individually fight off Tirek's minions of darkness.

"How do you plan on finding that out?" Asked Aria as she punched a minion in the face.

"It's not like we have a way of measuring the strength of one's magic. Even if we did who is the strongest in magic?" Asked Rarity as she side swiped another minion with her keytar.

Tirek was sitting down on a chair he conjured and was enjoying the fight.

"Hey, that's my thing." Said Draconequus Discord as he focused his powers on the readers. "For your information I happen to have a plan to defeat Tirek but it will involve the help of Sci-Twi and human Sunset who are still passed out by the way." He said, gesturing to the two girls still knocked out.

"Discord who are you talking to?" Asked Human Discord looking confused.

Draconequus Discord grabbed his human counterpart by the arm and pointed out the readers. "Why, our adoring fans of course." He waved to the readers and blew some kisses. Human Discord rolled his eyes and grabbed his counterpart by the shoulders to get serious.

"That's great but we have more important things to focus on other than that. If you have a plan to defeat Tirek now would be the perfect time to tell us." Said human Discord with annoyance and frustration.

"Party pooper." He stuck out his tongue but he eventually told him the plan. Human Discord blinked a few times.

"Seriously? That's all it takes?" Asked Human Discord in a flabbergasted tone.

"Pretty much." Said Draconequus Discord. "But before we do that you must tell me how you and Fluttershy got together. I'm trying to confess my feelings of love to mine and it hasn't gone over so well."

"Later. Right now we must inform everyone else of how to stop Tirek." He shoved other Discord to the ground to avoid getting hit by one of Ahuizotl's arrows.

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