The Red Letter

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Cauline Gilmen wasn't one to be messed with.
  This was known to everyone from the day she could walk. She looked like an adorable little kitten but every kitten has claws and fangs, and boy, did she know how to use them.
  Cauline was born on a planet far, far, far from Earth. Earth now referred to as The Dead Planet. It was said that humans had evacuated the planet after scientist deemed it inhabitable.  None of that history really had to do with Cauline since she wasn't human. In fact, the majority of the population of the planet she resided on, Arthrax, was made of mutants or an alien species.
  Cauline, herself, was a Neko. She had light chocolate skin, dark, ocean blue eyes and white frizzy hair that refused to obey the Laws of Physics. Her face was littered in freckles and her white brows are usually furrowed and she also adorned frowning, plump lips for an intimidating look. She had black, furry ears and matching tail with a white tip. Although short, she grew up strong and somewhat plump. (She'll tell you she's curvy with muscles).
   The term Neko was an old Japanese term that was used on Earth. Her species had taken up the name, especially because the first Neko was a japanese man and woman. They had been exposed to the environment of Arthrax and they mutated. They grew ears and a tail. They found their nails were replaced with that of sharp claws. They became more flexible and agile, they're senses became enhanced, they grew cat like tendencies. They also found that they could transform into cat like animals, size varied from person. Not only they, but their children became this way as well. One of their children who loved to study mythical creatures claimed of what they appeared to be. Humored by this, the family took that as their label and breeded with others who had mutated this way. In fact, that's how a lot of mutants had come up, only few who weren't mutated into some unheard of creature and stayed healthy and normal.
  Despite her looks, Cauline was troublemaker. When she was two, she shredded the dress her mother had put in her for a mother/daughter photo. When she was six, she was suspended from school for starting a fight with a group of boys, and to the kids' surprise, she won. When she was seven she set fire to a giant pile of dead trees because she had read in one of the extremely old history books of something called, The Great Chicago Fire. It had nearly burnt down half of her block. From ages to nine and eleven she rode around with these group of kids who loved to cause just as much as chaos as she did. Until they threw her under the bus so she had went solo from then on. Cauline would sneak out of the house at night and do whatever she wanted, whenever and to whoever. She believed that the rules simply didn't apply to her only because she said so.
  Although Cauline was bright, she never finished school. On top of that everyone found her incredibly attractive. But much to their dismay, Cauline wasn't looking for any of that, she was looking for an adventure. One that would never stop having twists and dangerous turns. One that would never cease to surprise and excite her. She wanted to live life on the very edge. She wanted to be staring death in the face with every breath she took, only to show that Death wouldn't be able to get a grip on her as well.
  But . . . Cauline isn't always this all around 'Bad Girl', 'suppose it's because no one saw her behind closed doors but her family. She was soft and kind. She would turned from the baddest bitch to the most caring person you'd ever meet. The thing was that Nekos could never have just one child. Like cats, they have litters, multiple children. Cauline cared for the other kids like a second mother, she held onto them tightly because she was afraid of losing them just as easily as she lost her other five brothers and sisters.
  Years ago, when Cauline was the baby of the litter and her mother, Austina, and father, Ernest, was very poor. Her father worked for a local gang that often dealt with drugs and weapons and other illegal goodies. Despite all the times her mother had begged him not to mess with the likes of those people, he simply took her hands and would say.
  "We must make sacrifices, I don't want to survive, I want to live." He had placed a hand on her swollen belly, "I want them to live."
  Late into the third quarter of planet's revolution, Austina gave birth. She had six beautiful children, four girls and two boys. As Ernest held his youngest, which was Cauline, his mind wandered to the dark future and what it held for his family, for he made a tragic mistake.
  It warm, hazy night, as Austina was putting the children to bed when her ears pricked up as  three heavy knocks came from their front door. Concerned, she looked to her husband who had a shadow casted over his face. He slowly rose from his chair and answered the door. With no words, he was shoved away from the doorway as seven men entered the house. They got straight to the point. They demanded the money that Ernest had stolen and the drugs he had smuggled from their warehouse. When Ernest didn't answer, one of the drew a switchblade.
  Ernest had predicted this and was the first to move. He seized the switchblade and took him down with ease, after all, Ernest was no small man. The rest jumped back and trained their guns at him. Before anyone could move, Austina grabbed a chair and smashed it on top of one of the gang member's head. He crumpled to the floor as the one beside her swiftly hit her with the handle of his gun and she fell to the floor bleeding. With all the commotion the small children in the back began to cry.
   The remaining thugs gave each other malicious glances. One approached Ernest and pressed the barrel of the gun to his head. "Walk," he had commanded, with much reluctance, Ernest did so.
  Ernest heart began to pound as his body stiffen, he legs began to feel like lead, yet he was forced into the room and to kneel beside the crib as one by one his  five children was murdered in cold blood. The gang members didn't notice the sixth one stumbling into the crack of the closet door in the form of a small black kitten that blended well in the dark. But Ernest did.
  After five of his children were killed, Ernest was killed a well, bullet to the forehead. You'd think that loud noises like that would startle or scare the sixth child, but she was slowly gaining her senses, so she was basically blind and deaf to the world.
  The following morning Austina awoke in her living room. The events of last night had rushed back to her. She smelled blood and she was scared that it wasn't her own. Despite the dizziness and the pounding in her head, she stood and rushed to her children's room only to let out the scream only a broken hearted mother and wife could.
  Among the bodies of her children, she counted five, three girls and two boys. She recognized all five faces. Where was her youngest daughter? As if God had given her an answer, a small cry came from the closet. Rushing towards it, tears of relief had began to flow from her eyes. She stoop down and lifted the small, which was now a child,  into her arms. One child had survived. From then on,  Austina had taught Cauline to not meddle in the things that could risk the lives of those she cared for. To not be so careless and appreciate the things she had, to never take shortcuts. Taking after her mother, she did just that, but there was nothing Austina could do about the side of Ernest that Cauline had. The side that lusted for adrenaline and adventure.
  Around a decade later, Austina remarried and had more children, children that Cauline had swore to protect even if it costed her life. She had a litter of seven this time, four boys and three girls. Cauline didn't fit in with the other kids, she suppose it was because they didn't share the same father, but it was much more than that.
  Sweet ol' Cauline was now twenty-four and was on her own. Of course, she always stopped by the her mother's house and checked on things. Every visit her mother would check her for any injuries or signs of drug or alcohol abuse. Cauline would only laugh and reassure her that things was fine. Her mother worried constantly about Cauline's line of work, she was a Bounty Hunter and a damn good one too. Cauline always split half of her earnings with her mother and despite rejecting the idea so many times, she takes the money anyways.
  The planet Arthrax is full to the brim of low life criminals and gangs. It's also lacking the proper law enforcement to keep the scums at bay. So the line of Bounty Hunting aspired among the large planets in the New Solar. You simply have to register as one at the nearest town halls and get your licenses after a few tests. Bounty Hunters have a post building that they'd walk in and sees who's wanted and how much for. Anyone, whether a pro or a rookie, could take on any job they thought they could handle. Cauline took on the ones that seemed the most dangerous and had a sweetest pay. Down at the Post they call her C.K or Cally Killman, because if you're on the Dead or Alive list, then you better pray Cauline doesn't rip your poster from the Wanted Board. In her defense, they always fights back and happens to fall in her line of fire, or maybe they just so happened to jump in front of her axe while expertly swung it around.
  Cauline, at the moment, is sitting on a stool at the bar inside the Bounty Post flirting with the new guy, Martin Cainsworth. She could see that he was most definitely into her, not that she was into him of course. But maybe he can be useful, Cauline thought as she laughed lightly at one of his totally not-so-funny jokes. Before Martin could buy her  another drink, her ears perked up in the mentioning of her name.
  "C-Cauline? Cauline Gilmen?" asked a mutant with rough, green scales and large lizard like feet. He must've been a delivery man because he wore a pastel blue uniform and a dark travelers bag overflowing with letters. He clutched a red envelope in his claws that must've been addressed to her.
  "Over here, Dr. Conners." She chuckled quietly to myself as he approached her.
  "It's actually Curtis," he said in a shy like tone. Cauline stared at at her before bursting into laughter, now why would his parents do that to him? Cauline questioned.
  "Right, sorry, Curtis." Cauline purred as she leaned against the bar. "Got anything for me?' she cocked her head to the side as he presented the letter. It had her name written out beautifully in golden ink. It's smell intrigued her, it wasn't familiar but it seemed to have been changing every time she thought she finally figured out what it was. It's seal peaked her interest as well, the letters M R was present on the iris purple wax seal. Who do I know with the initials M.R? She began pondered on this, several names popped up but those bums couldn't have sent this to her.
  "I came because the man requested that it was to be delivered to you i-immediately." Curtis' grip on the letter loosened as she slowly took it from his claws.
  "Thanks, pal," Cauline sighed out as she stood. She turned to Martin and flashed him a cheeky smile, "We'll have to catch up some other time, maybe lunch?" she asked, not really caring.
  "Of course!" he exclaimed. Of course, Cauline thoughted annoyedly. She gave Curtis a slight nod and left the lobby. She walked through a door strictly for Bounty Hunters and then turned right to the female section. As she approached her locker, number 27, she opened the letter. It read:

Dear Ms. Gilmen
  I hope this letter finds you in great health and strength because I need your help. I do not ask for help very often so I beg of you to help me, if you refuse then I shall take your refusal and find someone else.
  I've heard of you, Cauline, I know of your background, unlike many others. I've kept my eyes and ears on you in case you would become of a great assistance to me. The time has come.
  What I'm asking for is not easy, but you would do you and your planet a great service. If that doesn't convince you, I'm willing to pay. The amount will be of your interest if you're willing to meet with me tomorrow afternoon.  Although not likely, you could survive, but with serious mental scars. You'll most likely see things that's unheard of, partake of things you've never thought of doing. There  will  be sacrifices. Life could never be the same. But I suppose you like that sort of thing, yes? Almost sounds like I'm trying to spirit you away, like some fairytale.
  This is not a fairytale.
  I hope you consider in meeting me tomorrow. How about your favorite cafe? Julie's, I believe? Julie's Diner, 3:00.

  By the end of the letter Cauline had stopped breathing. Her head swarmed with questions and that demanded answers. Who was this guy? How long have they been watching her? Who's been telling her business to this person? And most importantly. . . what was she going to do?


Helllllooooooo! I'm sorry for leaving for so long, but rest assured I'm back, school and life in general has been to messy for me to write so I'll be trying my best to get things posted and updated, I'll try starting up Male x Mermaid, may take some time, but I'll get there. :3 <3

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