Daniel Myers

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  Daniel Myers was scarred as a young child when he was forced to see the world for how it truly was at the age of eight. The day he became a murderer and lost any respect for himself and in God. He spiraled down a path, one he wasn't regretting to walk on, this is how it all began.

  Daniel's mother, Katrina Wies, was a prostitute who settled down and married his father after having him. His father, Mark Myers, was a good man before he gotten into a drinking habit, in which most cases he'd become violent and soon enough his favorite hobby was getting drunk and beating his wife. Katrina was weak and frail, she was only human while Mark was overflowing with strength as he was a mutant, but not on the surface. Daniel was a good mixture, human features, but superhuman strength.

  On that dreadful night, Mark was incredibly drunk and was already outraged to see that his wife wasn't home to do as he pleased. So when she returned in a skimpy dress and perfect make up, he lost it. He yanked her by the hair while she screamed and thrashed around. He threw her into the wall and kicked her in her already broken rib. Mark grabbed her by the throat and pressed her up against the wall. Tears streamed down Katrina's face as she pleaded for him to let her go. She then looked behind him. Daniel stood there, his eyes empty and his expression emotionless. Katrina caught the glint of the object that was in his hand and she knew what he was going to do.

  "I want to protect you, mommy . . ."

  Mark was too busy unbuckling his pants with one hand and holding down Katrina with other to notice his son. And before he knew it, he was met with an excruciating pain in his back. The pain sent a shock to his nerves and he let go of Katrina, who kicked him in the groin causing him to fall to the ground. Katrina went to grab her son and run, but Daniel wasn't finished. He knew his father could easily find them if they ran away. He knew what he had to do.

  Daniel sat on his father's back and began to stab and slash at his father's back. His father cried out in pain and tried to grab Daniel but he was to quick. Daniel grabbed his father's hand and stabbed through it. He only pulled out when he saw the tip poke out the other side. Daniel was starting to get covered in blood but that didn't stop him. He got up and Mark rolled over. Daniel then plunged the knife into his chest, over and over, and over and over. When the light faded from his eyes, Daniel stopped. He was panting and tried to wipe the blood of his cheek only to smear more on his face. He dropped the knife and looked up at his mother, her eyes wide with fear. Her adorable baby boy was drenched in his father's blood.

  Daniel, not seeing what he had did wrong, starting walking towards her. She screamed and grabbed the nearest thing she could, which was a vase, and threw it at him. Daniel quickly moved out of the way and turned to her with a pained expression.

  "Mommy," he whimpered as tears began to fall down his cheeks. "Mommy, please . . ." Katrina backed away as she cried out for someone to help her. Daniel ran over and hugged her, digging his bloody face into her stomach. "Mommy, please don't cry!" she shoved him away and dashed upstairs. Daniel followed. When he peered into his mother's room, he went pale and screamed out. "Mommy, NO!" But it was too late, Katrina pulled the trigger and blew her head off. Her body fell to the floor with a sickening thud. He ran over and tried to wake her up but his efforts were futile. He buried his face into his mother's chest and cried, he cried and cried.

  Afterwards, the neighbors had called the police to find two dead parents and their grieving son. Daniel was asked of what happened and he told the police that a man had killed his dad and his mother killed herself. He explained his was covered in blood because he was trying to wake his mother and father. They also asked why his hand prints were on the knife, he told them he had picked it up off the ground. The police never found who was responsible for the murders.

  Daniel went to go live with his grandparents and they tried to make his life as easy as possible. Yet, Daniel didn't want the easy road, he didn't want to pretend like everything was ok. Daniel emotionally isolated himself from everyone. He intimidated the bullies, he slept around with the local sluts. He stole, he cheated and he did justice upon those who deserved it. In his mind, he wasn't god, he was judge, jury and executioner.

  Daniel moved out of his grandparents house when he was eighteen and registered as a Bounty Hunter at twenty. He got to hunt down thieves, rapists, outlaws, crime bosses. Only bad part about it that he couldn't kill them all. That was the only disappointing part.

  Around the time Cauline had received her letter, Daniel was just opening his. What he had read consumed his every thought after reading it, it said:

  Dear, Mr. Myers

  You're a pretty straightforward person, so I'll keep this short before I lose your interest. I have a deal for you, there is a favor I must ask of you and of course payment will be due. I'll get what I want and you'll get what you want, punishing someone who is the lowest of the lows and getting paid for it. I know all about you, Daniel. I'm not trying to manipulate you by stating your best interest to make my deal sweeter, I'm just telling you what to expect and what's in it for you.

  Be there at Julie's Diner, you know where it is, right? Picked up some cutie there last week. Be there, 3:00.



  Daniel had decided to show up to the diner. It wasn't his style but that's what it had said in the letter. He choose a simple booth at the back of the diner and sat down. He was equipped with protection in case it was a trap. He had lots of reasons to believe why it was a trap, he put most of them in jail or in a grave.

  As he sat there his thoughts wondered to his mother, the look of shock and horror was embedded in his mind. The metallic stench of blood burned his nose, the nurse took so long to scrub the blood off of him. The pitiful glances he was given everywhere he went. He hated it.

  Daniel was pulled from his thoughts as a woman slid into the booth opposite of him. Her white hair fell down her shoulders in a frizzy mess, her face was dotted with darker freckles against her light brown skin. Her eyes as a deep ocean blue, they seemed to have been conflicting themselves, like she was sure of herself but still had doubts. Her furry black ears twitched as she looked at him. Her outfit, from what he could see, was that of a simple gray noodle strap shirt and a black crop top jacket. Was this who sent him the letter? He the watched her extend out her hand and spoke.

  " ' Afternoon." she mumbled, "I'm Cauline Gilmen." No M or R, can't be her.

  He took her hand and gave it a firm shake. "Daniel Myers."

  Ok so, this was short but totally necessary for the story so, ye!I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, excuse me for getting dark there at the beginning, like all authors, I'm a twisted bastard so, comment and vote, go ahead and follow me for when I post new stories or when others are updated. If you have story request I'd be more than happy to write those out.. (I can refuse requests, but that's extremely rare so)


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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