Hey guys, I'm doing this Dr. Phil kinda thing so I could help others. :)
No following necessary (Although you can always do that anytime you want.)
If you have any problem going on in your life, I'm always free to be confronted. Just click the 'Send Message'
Type in your question and I will be answerinf.I'll only answer the serious questions, excluding questions about myself.
Here is an example of the question:¤ My best friend hasn't been communicating with me the past week, what could be wrong and how could I fix whatever the problem may be?
I'll answer your question in the end of the stories or somwhere else, you'll see. It depends on you whether you'll be anonymous in my answer or not
So, are you guys in? It's okay if you don't want, I could always cancel it.
Thanks for the support! Muwah!
"Some people are worth melting for." - Olaf