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I stared into the dirty mirror at the club. My reflection danced around as I started to feel the 4 oxyies I took kick in.

"Y/N come on, let's go dance" Vanessa my friend said coming up behind me shaking me violently. I stumbled out of the b/room and felt even more disorientated by the flashing lights of the club, I stopped for a moment taking in the smell of alcohol and weed, the bass from the music vibrated my body and put me in a trance. Vanessa gripped my wrist and guided me into the large crowd of sweaty, gyrating bodies.

"I can taste the lights" I mumbled to Vanessa, she stops dancing around me and stared deep into my eyes.

"So do I" She looked beyond bewildered and grabbed me pulling me down onto one of the couches next to a group of guys.

"I need a drink. Do you need a drink? I'm getting you a drink." Vanessa said getting back up and stumbling through the dance floor. I let my head fall into my hands, over-whelmed by all the noise and lights.

"Are you okay?" said a voice next to me.

I lift my head up, looking over to a cheery man sitting next to me, my face felt like it was melting off and I couldn't feel my body.

"Ahhh yeahh" I managed to slur out, he looked intensely at my face.

"I don't think you should be alone in a club in your state." His voice pierced through the music and calmed me somehow.

"No my friend is getting a drink" I pointed through the crowd, which made me lean too far forward. He caught my fall and pulled me towards him.

"Let's go find your mate, yeah?"

"Yes please" I leaned in further to him, nuzzling my face into his black hoodie.

He held me and we walked to the bar area and I spotted Vanessa necking on with some dude.

"Fucks sake" She promised it was gonna be a girls night. She stopped kissing him and looked over seeing me slumped over the man and rushed over clumsily.

"Are you okay?" She chuckled while the man she was kissing, kissed her neck sloppily.

"She needs to go home" The man holding me said.

"BUZZ KILL" Blurted V blowing a raspberry into my face. I looked up at her and she gave me a menacing grin, I wanted to smack the skank but I couldn't even feel my hands.

"Get your boyfriend here to take you home" she pushed the man's shoulder then went back to snogging. The man got water from the bartender and sat me down.

"My names Maz, is it okay if I catch a cab to your house with you? I don't want someone to take advantage of you" I nodded in reply and threw myself onto him and used him to walk.

As I was walking I lifted my head next to his ear.

"Hello my name is Y/N" He chuckled at me and we kept walking.


I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into his neck, he was warm and I was sleepy. His arm sat on my shoulders and he embraced me back, the smell of his cologne filtered through my lungs and made me even more relaxed. We came to my apartment complex and got out after paying, he helped me up the stairs to my apartment and inside.

"Wanna come in?" I gripped the sleeve of his hoodie and gave it a tug.

"If you're cool with it, then yeah" he replied walking in after me. I pushed him onto my lounge and walked to the kitchen to make some toast.

"Are you hungry Maz?"

"Nah I'm alright, thanks" he got up and walked to the kitchen.

"You're friends not all that great aye?" I shook my head, feeling a slight rage coming over me.

"She's a little slut" I slurred looking down, feeling my eyes water a little from anger. Maz walked over and held my head up.

"Hey it's alright, eat your toast and you can pop into bed" I sniffled and nodded.

I finished my toast, and pulled Maz into my bedroom with me.

"Stay the night" I turned to him giving big puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, I'll take the couch" I giggled and shoved him onto my bed.

"Just lay there dumbass" I left the room and washed my face in the bathroom and pulled on and oversized shirt with just panties and walked back in. Maz was already under the covers lying on his back. I slipped in and laid on top of his chest. I was still high and could feel his heart beat thumping against my cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I intertwined my legs with his. Soon enough we were both soundly asleep.


It was morning and Y/N was still lying on my chest, I stroked her hair thinking about how she was last night, I barely know this girl and already feel a connection, she seems kind but damaged. Hurt easily and reluctant to trust people, I can only imagine with friends like the one last night. I don't even want to think about what could've happened to her if I hadn't picked her up. 

She stirred and lifted her head "Oh hi Maz" she smiled such a sweet smile, you would've never suspected anything happened last night.

"Morning Love" I replied returning the smile.

"Thankyou for taking me home last night, and sorry if I ruined your night"

"If anything, you made it better. My mates were annoying me"

She stared into my eyes and grazed her fingers across the small white birthmark below my lip.

"Cute" She said then got up and walked out. I got up and walked out to her sitting on the kitchen bench eating an apple. I looked down at my watch 10:30.

"I got to go, I have to visit my mum" She hopped down and grabbed her phone.

"What's your number? I wanna hang out sometime" she said handing me her phone.

We exchanged numbers and she showed me out.

"See you around Love" I said leaning in and pecking her forehead, she blushed and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"See you around" She replied and closed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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