C11≫ A Little Denses tortur- training. Yes, definitely training.

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The Priest and the Witch XI

Two weeks later in someone's very secret base cave.

[Umm... is our purpose to... make sure the world won't get destroyed?] Answered Luciel, perfectly embodying a nervous unsure student.

【Wrong!】Beamed the System with a higher voice than normal, showing obvious excitement. 【The correct answer is that we are supposed to prevent the deaths of the people residing in the Lower Realm in order to not lose the souls energies! You see, we won't get the energy if souls don't get disposed of using proper methods, thus if they kill one another all that energy goes pouf! Because of this we just keep as many of them as possible alive in their respective worlds and milk em! it's more cost effective that out right killing them!】

Focusing on every word that the System was said, Luciel quickly memorized them so that next time the question will be asked he would get it correct.

In fact, The System taught him lots about his job and how things work in these past two weeks. He learned that there are three realms, The Upper Realm which consists of one humongous world, The Lower Realm that has a unknown amount of smaller worlds and the Void. From what the system said, The Upper Realms is divided into nations that are constantly at war with one another. This caused them to exhaust most of the Upper Realms energy, causing disaster. With no other options, The Upper Realm had to start relying on harvesting energy from the Lower Realm worlds so that they can not only perform basic needs that are necessary for their survival but also to keep waging wars like the proper idiotic muscle heads that they are.

Now they not only fight for land, but also Lower Realm worlds as well. If one were to make an analogy, it was like starving farmers madly fighting over farmland to make food for their families so they can continue to fight over farmland forever.

As a matter of fact, the world he is currently in is under one of such nations, the angelic empire of Heaven. It was one of, If not the largest nation in the Upper Realm with the highest amount of worlds under their control. The System, or by his actual name Sealtiel, is supposedly one of the big wigs there and is in charge of his own division and even his own province.

Luciel still remembers clearly when the System bragged about that for a entire night. How people madly kiss up to him, how he's highly respected and other things to such an effect.... But... the reason he remembers it so well is because ironically, on that very same night, he had to listen the system complaining about being so broke that he, the Boss, had to go out to do 'fieldwork' himself because of his lack of staff.

So to review, his System was in charge of fixing up new and broken worlds, making sure that they produce the maximum energy, somewhat like a plumber if you will (unsurprising Luciel got punishment for that description cus it 'hit too close to home'). He, as the Systems host, had the task of becoming the plumbers tools, directly working on the worlds that the System wants to fix. The system also commented that it's really hard to find these 'tools' because of the ridiculously small amount of souls that are not 'Celestials' that can remain existing without their bodies. Apparently the system found Luciel at the edge of the 'void'. The system didn't tell Luciel much about the 'void' however from how the system spoke about it, it seemed like a scary place.

Ah, and what are Celestials you may ask? Well, According to the System they are a type of higher beings that are not constrained to the mortal body that live in The Upper Realm. the Celestials had numerous species and races/breeds like angels, spirits and demons...

Anyway, Luciel with the Systems voice quickly snapped back to reality.

Seeing his host space out the System called him a few times. After getting his attention the system opened its mouth giddily in Schadenfreude. 【You know what happens now right? (^ν^)】

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