Chapter 2- Its a surprise!

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Troye's POV

I start to get that sensation of falling you get sometimes while asleep, but I realize I actually was falling when my head hits the couch with a cushioned thump. I hurry and sit up, dazed. I quickly notice where I am...and what I did last night in my sleepy haze.

I sit mortified, watching Tyler spin on his heel and face me.

"Sorry," He says harshly with cold eyes, but he quickly softens his features and looks at me.

I give him a small smile, glad he didn't seem mad anymore. He probably was mad that I slept on him last night, I begin to think.

"Sorry for...uhh...sleeping on you," I say, feeling my cheeks redden when the words actually left my mouth, they sounded so much more awkward than planned . Tyler just gives me a goofy grin and giggles. I lower my head to my hands groaning and completely emberaased. I knew I shouldn't be embarrassed though, Tyler always fell asleep on me, tickled me, hugged me too long for it to not mean something more and he even jokingly held my hand a lot. Although I knew Tyler was just a naturally flirty and touchy person, I couldn't help but hope he was actually flirting with me, because he wanted to, not because he just didn't think twice. But that just wasn't the case, I knew it.

"Hey don't worry about it. I didn't mind the company, honestly," I hear Tyler say and I look up. I see his bright, genuine smile and I can't help but smile too. We stay like that in an easy silence until Tyler breaks eye contact and struts to the kitchen.

"You gonna sit on your butt all day, or are you gonna help me?" Tyler yells from the kitchen. I laugh at his adorable sarcasm and hop up, eager to help.

I notice Tyler is getting out things like eggs and butter and finally, a pancake mix! I love pancakes! I start to get excited and I scan the box. I am reading over the label when I feel something hit my back. I look over at Tyler, who has a suspicious white powder all over his hands. My eyes go big and my jaw drops, I look at my shirt, a giant white flour stain across my side. I'm not angry, or annoyed but ecstatic. I was the best at food fights. I pretend to be angry though, walking over to the sink. I pretend to wash off the flour but I quickly grab the faucet connected to a hose you could move around and spray Tyler. Tyler jumps, blocking the stream of water. He begins to charge at me but slips on the wet floor and falls on his butt. I start laughing and drop the hose back in the sink, clutching my stomach in fits of laughter. Tyler is laughing on the floor too, but soon enough he isn't the only one. He grabs my ankles and pulls me down, tickling me on the wet and flour covered floor. I start gasping and laughing, begging him to stop. He knows just how ticklish I am. He doesn't back off though until I start coughing. He leans off me then, looking concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asks, patting my back gently.

"Yeah," I say, my voice rough from my recent coughing fit. I just giggle when I look up and see him looking like a protective mother. A smile slowly spreads across his face before he giggles too. I'm sure I look terrible, considering I was just in a puddle of floury water, so I stand up and excuse myself to the restroom. I grab a sweater from my suitcase on the way in. I lock the door behind me, and pull off my soggy sweater to replace it with my new one. I glance in the mirror though. I was glad it was starting to get cold outside considering it was October and people were less and less suspicious of my constant sweater and sleeve wearing. I always lied and said I was cold, but that only worked so well when temperatures reached 99 F every other day. Now, most people were wearing sleeves on a regular basis and it I didn't have to lie about why my sleeves always stayed down, safely covering my wrists up. Nobody needed to know the answer as to why my arms hadn't been exposed in so long.

I walked back out into the kitchen, Tyler glancing up from the mixing bowl when I leaned on the counter. I noticed he already cleaned up the kitchen and I feel guilty for not helping. He then handed me the wisk, motioning to the bowl before going off to search for a pan. I whisk until he returns with a pan and a scoop. We begin making the pancakes, we make 6. Which is just enough for the both of us because his mom was at work already and we had the house to ourselves. We sit down to eat once everything is done and enjoy the meal. Tyler is staring at the wall, looking deep in thought. I snap my fingers in his face to bring him out of his daze and he blinks rapidly before facing me. His face is blank at first but slowly he begins to grin.

Troyler (AU) - I'm SorryWhere stories live. Discover now